The Pangs Of Change

characterThe last few weeks I have been making an observation. A lot of people who normally walk with their head held high, understanding this is but a “season” have been feeling pushed about. One of the hardest things about a time such is this, is you begin to take it personally. You begin to see it as you and no one else. It begins to unravel thinking about love and acceptance.It may well be a direct challenge to your belief schedule and all that you believe. Continue reading The Pangs Of Change

For Those Who Have Gone Before Me- Thank You!

2014-05-16 18.40.52Thank a veteran.

Today is Veterans Day in the United States. A day for honoring the men and women of our armed service. A news blog wrote this. …the most productive thing anyone outside the military can do is actually very simple and easy, they say: Strike up a conversation with a veteran. Get to know one of them in a meaningful way. There is a wide cultural gap between Americans who have no relationship with the Armed Forces and those who’ve served their country. Closing that gap is as necessary as it is long overdue. Continue reading For Those Who Have Gone Before Me- Thank You!

The Choice Is Yours

no-worriesToo often in my conversations with people I find people tempted to bypass something for the sake of ignorance or the lack of attention. We have developed an “its all good” mentality when the very reason they are “here” is because they chose to avoid or disdain a “then” opportunity. Continue reading The Choice Is Yours

God Focused – Family Centered


Yesterday I spent a lot of time with my family. I had my 3 of my grandchildren over as well as my daughter. A lot was going on. The funeral for a friend was one. Making sure I gave the children the time they needed and wanted. Getting ready for a turkey dinner was on the agenda and at one point I took them to look at the house my son and his wife are purchasing here in Keene. (And that lead to going around a looking at other homes for sale.) Finally we got home for dinner and a movie. Continue reading God Focused – Family Centered

Is It Revival? The River Of God

Ready for God to express Himself.
Ready for God to express Himself.

I was wandering through the snow near a river. I would see signs that deer or other animals had been along side the river. Sometimes it was but an occasional print or other sign of wild life. Other times there were be the signs of lots of activity. But as I continued along the river, I never saw any animals. And interestingly enough where there were signs of large gatherings, I still saw nothing nor did I see the indicators of the animals leaving together. (I don’t remember seeing anything other than the place where the gathering had been.) Continue reading Is It Revival? The River Of God

Patience Is A Grown Up Attribute

underconstructioYesterday at work was one of those “I don’t know if I can take anymore” days. It seemed like everything I went to do was blocked by something, someone, somehow. I spent a lot of the day in frustration. I was not slamming things or that kind of stuff, but I was finding it easy to get distracted and not wanting to keep going. By the end of the day the 3-4 sales I thought might be accomplished were sitting on the sidelines and leaving at 5:30 I was so tired I was just looking for a place to lie down. Continue reading Patience Is A Grown Up Attribute

Jesus Has A Plan For That

2014-05-03 13.25.11I watched and read of the votes, waking up to a changed political landscape. But I ask you…is it really changed? I long ago began to feel that their world (Meaning politics) is not my world. I could give you all the information on why that is so , but I will not. On the other hand there are some changers in Congress, the Senate and other offices about the nation worthy of looking at. Continue reading Jesus Has A Plan For That

Who Is In The Office?

george washingtonToday, all across our great nation, men and women will step up to a voting booth and vote their heart for the man or woman they deem best suited for a specific office. I always find it to be an interesting time. All the debates, campaign letters and political ads. There was a time in my life where I participated heavily. At one point I was a campaign manager for a Senate run, I have driven all the miles, done all the digging and ended each day tired. In later years my newspapers covered the issues, the candidates and the thought process. Interesting times.

And before I begin, let it be known, I think who is in office is important. But I think who is in the “office” of men and women everywhere is of more importance. His name is Jesus. And when He sets up shop in a person’s life things begin to change.

Many will vote according to life (Abortion, assisted suicide and such.) while others will vote predicated upon finances. Still others will choose according to what they can get or what they believe they deserve. All of these have value and all are emotional topics in many circles. How do I know? Yesterday, I was downloaded on by a man about health care benefits. I am not even sure what prompted the conversation. Another asked me my thoughts about physician assisted suicide. Meanwhile a friend has chosen to die.

All of these are important. To me, to them, to Jesus. I truly understand.

I have friends who think more laws about abortion and life will help. Others who demand satisfaction over guns(Both sides of the “rifle”!)and their use. Still others who bemoan spendthrift candidates. I get it. Trust me I do. Only yesterday while driving home in the dark I was reminded of better times. Joyous times. I agree something has to change. Who will change that? A man or woman in Congress or the Senate? Ummmm…probably not. It is only a matter of time in the eyes of men and women before today will be forgotten and we await the next election cycle. It will be changed by “we the people”.

Laws don’t change people. (For the reality of sin is empowered by the law.) Elected officials don’t change people. It is not about a man, but about the Man. Jesus. “Lee, are you saying, don’t vote?” Absolutely not! Get out there and vote! But tomorrow wake up and recognize the change you desire for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness will be found in a changed people, not a candidate or two.

Hear me. I believe in taking care of people. (Jesus told us the poor would always be with us.)I believe in laws for people (Especially those perhaps who do not understand Jesus and His ways at this juncture.) to maintain health and safety and provide for quality of life. I believe in a lot of things you may not think I believe in.

But most of all…I believe in Jesus. My hope and my trust is in Him. Not just the “hey, He’s got it, who cares” thought process. I think it is amazing that when He was done, He said it was done and sat down. He handed the keys to change over to us. And with that thought, I believe in “all hands on deck”. I know government may be run by a class or a type of individual and it is up to us to change some of that. Just as a church body can not function by a man alone, neither can can a government function without all the pieces participating. In recent days we have seen that personal charisma is not enough to change a church or a nation.

If you think God is all about calling people names or polarizing people, I have to differ with you. (Did Jesus polarize? Of course! But He was Jesus and that was then. Pre-New Testament.)This is now. The body is to be one with the Father and to love the people. All people. Love is NOT rude.

My solution is simply this. To “check in with the Father” and bring what He is doing in heaven to a district, a community, a state or a nation near you!

Will They Know?

break chainI had someone tell me that people would not be pleased with my word about a particular subject. That the church would reject the word I gave. I have never found myself to care whether a word is rejected or accepted. What is more important to me is whether my community accepts me or rejects me. Whether they care about me. Like others I have made my share of mistakes and perhaps I will again. Actually, it is proved that if you are still breathing, making a mistake is high on the list! Continue reading Will They Know?