Category Archives: Prophesy The Light

Geography Matters To God

preachingatvillageFor many a year I have been taken with geography in the kingdom. The idea of being in the right place at the right time OR being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We relegate so much of the kingdom to “serendipity” rather than faith, discernment and wisdom.

How did we get here? Continue reading Geography Matters To God

Child Of Promise – Child Of Change

preachingatvillageI had seen this child before. I knew her from somewhere. Upon waking up I remembered I saw this child in a dream as I prepared for trip to participate in a revival. In the dream I was working on a home I had owned in the 80’s. A friend named Rose (His last name. Rose of Sharon?) was working alongside me. He had ordered a load of materials. As this monstrous truck unloaded, blocking traffic on the hill. There amongst the trees lay a child. Someone went to pick her up. But in the moment they walked away all the materials had been applied to the building. The house was built. They came over and gave me this child. I held her and she began to smile, to laugh. Her smile changed the weather! I could feel it, see it change. My friend looked at the house and said “great job”. I remember the burned down house that had been there weeks before. The work and labor to clean it up and get it ready to restore. (In reality the actual man who bought the house when I lived there had a last name that meant to cease, to stop, to halt!) But as I looked at the house, it was done! Finished! Complete! Continue reading Child Of Promise – Child Of Change

Come Out! Come Out Wherever You Are!

leejohndrowteamLast night I connected with a friend who I have not spoken to in years. Lives changed. Different paths. Fellow New Englanders we engaged over my article on New England. She wrote back. “Wow. Yes I resonate but I have always felt that it was our time because we live in the eternal now in Him but it does pair up with how God has called me over the past 25 years to release intimate love, boundless expressions of worship and wild creativity in the church, outside of the church, to large groups and individuals. Beautiful words and declarations…He’s always there with the goods willing to release them in and thru us. I don’t believe there is a need for delay or a sense of distance of any kind. At least that’s my theology now after 25 years.” Continue reading Come Out! Come Out Wherever You Are!

2015-A Time Of Romance, A Vision Of Purpose

preachingatvillageWhy even announce for 2015? Why seek the Lord at all for this? Is it any different?

Throughout yesterday as the messages of hope and the future appeared, I thought “I agree”. “Amen”. “Good for you!” I know people get caught up in resolutions and change. They want to see the new year as better than the last. There is a hope on the table. Continue reading 2015-A Time Of Romance, A Vision Of Purpose

Realms And Dimensions – Thinking Of Heaven

heargod2This morning it was nearly 0300 dark when I awoke. As I lay there I began to meditate on my favorite subject. Heaven. I often think about the occupants, the physical layout, the supernatural beings that are spoken of in the scriptures. The more I think on heaven the more I want it here. Now. I don’t want to go someplace, I want to be “some place”! Continue reading Realms And Dimensions – Thinking Of Heaven

The Consequences Are Real

Beating the odds
Beating the odds

In my dream last night I was called to inspect military systems of deployment of weaponry. Most specifically these systems dealt with observation, reconnaissance and utilization of weapons. The systems were run by folks who were settled away in underground bunkers. Continue reading The Consequences Are Real

Community Changers Arise!

leejohndrowteamYesterday as I went for a walk with my grandchildren, I realized I had “missed” something over the summer. Probably it was simply the summer! But as I walked down a path with them and looked at the river, the foliage and even the path, I saw two things. The power of God and His people.

I asked myself what changes a region or a community for the better. Clearly there were the two pieces I envisioned. One was people. The other was God. As I walked I saw the changes. Some good. Some not so good. How do we make it better? I personally believe that His people change a community for the better. Not just the “good” people but the people who release God into a community. Continue reading Community Changers Arise!

The Lord Answered Me And Set Me Free

MarcelIndependence Day

As I wrote in the books I gave my grandchildren, some of the words (Besides “I love you!”) included “I am glad you are here.” “This is a day to celebrate freedom. Be all you can be. Experience freedom!”

Freedom is important. Without freedom how can you or I be all we were called to be. If we lived in a place like China or North Korea, what would be our “freedom experience”? I have been to foreign countries, had third world experiences. I have seen the devastation, the depression and the lack of freedoms. Freedom is better! Continue reading The Lord Answered Me And Set Me Free

Drill A Little Deeper

2014-05-03 13.25.11It is Fathers Day Weekend. I actually was reviewing some pics of my dad, shots with my children over the years and some letters I have received and such. I guess nostalgic would describe some of it. (This past week I actually put together a series of 5 articles on dads.) But now I have 3 of my children married (Two who are the dads.) and I think what was it like to be a young dad. Continue reading Drill A Little Deeper