Category Archives: Musing

Cast Off Your Cares!


2015-09-05 12.52.11Like so many, today I have a choice. To choose bad or to choose good. To choose good or to choose God. I dreamed and began this a few days ago. Choice? Everyone has one.

Today is the 12th of September. For folks in this country it signified change in the follow up to the destruction of the Twin Towers of New York and the Pentagon. It also signified the day where people picked up and began the arduous process of rebuilding shattered lives and the willingness to overcome the pains of the hour. Continue reading Cast Off Your Cares!

Lightning, Revelation And Rewards

David finishing up in Swanzey.
David finishing up in Swanzey.

Last night I had a dream where when I tried to speak strikes of lightning would appear. The lightning did not cause destruction. It changed things. They became brighter. Colors began to become vivid. Things that were old became new. I could see people become refreshed in the atmosphere where these bolts were.

Job 28:25-28
“When He imparted weight to the wind And meted out the waters by measure,When He set a limit for the rain And a course for the thunderbolt,Then He saw it and declared it; He established it and also searched it out.”And to man He said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; And to depart from evil is understanding.'” Continue reading Lightning, Revelation And Rewards

New Seasons Have New Reasons

leejohndrowteamThis last week completed a very important season in my life. It was one of submitted obedience for me. To stop doing something I had done for years and change my focus. It caused me to be pulled into another world.

What was it you might ask? It was writing another book, this time on fathers. And because of my schedule it added the fact that each morning I would only have until 7AM to get what I was going to do, done. Whether I awoke at 5 or 6 that is all the time I would have. Continue reading New Seasons Have New Reasons

This Really Big Light Of Mine…

leejohndrowteamLast night while praying with my grandchildren, I began to see a vision. A thought first popped into my mind. Darkness becoming light.

What I saw was a pin point of light that began to open up and as that pinpoint became larger more and more became visible. And as more became visible my ability to see further not only to my sides, but out into the distance. Brightness began to infuse my vision. Continue reading This Really Big Light Of Mine…

We Will Put Our Trust In The Name Of The Lord

leejohndrowteamLast night I had a dream and in that dream I found myself lying on a bed. Resting. Relaxing.

There were two doorways in the dream and through one of them came a line of people that were coming to hide away their treasure. Through the other door were people who are coming to bring food, drink and provisions. I am not sure if I was the recipient or just the oversight of what was going on. Continue reading We Will Put Our Trust In The Name Of The Lord

Thunder And Lightning Announce His Angelic Visitation

leejohndrowteamI was at work. There were lots of flashes. I could hear thunder. Three times over the next few hours I went outside. It was bright and sunny. No thunder. No lightning.

I hear the sound of rain. How many times have we heard that? Said that? Prophesied that? Continue reading Thunder And Lightning Announce His Angelic Visitation