Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

leejohndrowteamWhen I first became a believer there were a few pieces of Christianity that I grasped on. Held tight to.

For life!

They were:

I relied on those. But there were two particular parts of my early life in Christ that I held dear to. One was the “promises” of God. The other were the “I am’s” of Christ.

The first was what I learned and came to believe to be the truth of God. I walked around with a small “gold” bound promises book filled with the promises of God. I read them out loud in my home, in my car at stop signs and traffic lights, and whenever I had a moment.

When a circumstance arrives, it is the promise of God that prevails. That stands up in the face of fears and does not bow to the winds of words and the attacks of the enemy. (I so struggle when people desire to use a personal experience to “disprove” the words of God. Or to justify why “it doesn’t work”. To sacrifice the word for the sake of man’s opinion does not a theology make.)

The second piece was to discover who I am in Christ. What did my acceptance of Christ mean to me? How did I change? Who did I become? What could I stand on and walk in? Those are what I call the “I am’s” of God.

I have started putting together a devotional predicated on these. I am only writing one a day while I work on my other books, my job and my family.

Feel free to find the dailies, posted on my ministry page on Facebook, or sign up.

Bless you!

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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