Love Never Gives Up


leejohndrowteamI am not sure why people always seem to go “towards the lowest common denominator” when it comes to believing in someone. The Bible tells us to “believe the best”. Perhaps we need to put a delay in our thinking to process to avoid the knee jerk response that creates and causes us trouble.

I wrote that last night as I watched people bash and denigrate one another.

The world will “never” be a better place until people start mending the place they have hold over. Their home, workplace or Facebook!

[tweetthis]1 Corinthians 13:7 says “Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.”[/tweetthis]

The driving force force of hope is love itself. And perhaps that is the rub itself. People who hurt, bash and denigrate are not loving. They have allowed themselves to believe the lie that they are unlovable and propagate the lie through their actions.

Some 30 plus years ago I went through a a difficult time. I began to journal, to write. I placed a + or a – at the top of my page at the end of the day. Was it a good day (+) or a bad day (-)? I learned what I needed to do. What I needed to do better. What I had to change. And over time I watched the +s increase.

Too often we can page through someone’s Facebook page or Twitter feed and assess fairly quickly where they are at. What the lies are they are believing. Ask someone to help you move from that place of no hope and disaster. (With the caveat that is is difficult to see that you have been living a lie. Holding on to the past and losing hope for the future.)

After all these years I have determined the key to life is not to try harder but to allow God and His magnificent life and love to change me.

Yesterday I was in my return to work. Trying to pace myself. Trying to get through. And in the middle of it one of the women came up and said “you look like you need a hug”. And did. Against all protocol. Against PC (political correctness). She hugged me.

I used to think we needed everything else. Now I know we just need love. Love fuels faith. Empowers hope.

Keep in mind that love of the God kind, is an action. Never stopping, never letting up. But just being able to define it does not make it work. It does not mean we can implement it. At some point we need it to work in our hearts, overshadow our minds and be expressed through our words and our actions.

Even my writing about it does not make it happen. But, it does give me a place to start from. Do I feel hopeless or hurt? What are my answers? My options? I can review my situation(s) and evaluate. From there I can build a desire to change because I see what God has for me.

Today is your day. Your “blank paper” to write on. What would you like it to look like? Will it have love, life and hope?

All too often I seen “knee jerk” response to situations and I watch the same thing over and over. I hear people each and every day respond the same way to the same words. They for the most part get the same results each and every time. If those outcomes are always good, great! But if they aren’t true love allows for examination without guilt or shame.

[tweetthis]Let our love become hopeful. When we love we see life differently and therefore we approach it differently.[/tweetthis]

Today, let us agree as Paul laid out in Ephesians 1:15-16 that “because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints…”

Let us love. Let us not tear down or denigrate one another, but let us release our most high calling, to love

[pullquote]Let us love. Let us not tear down or denigrate one another, but let us release our most high calling, to love.[/pullquote]

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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