Relationship or Religiosity – Two Dreams

leejohndrowteamLast night was one of my more “unusual” dream nights. As I awoke around three, one of my dreams had been simultaneous with a second dream. It was if I was watching two programs on different TV’s at opposite ends of the building. Not just two dreams, but I was not even in the same place as each was occurring.

The first dream had to with people who were under siege. They had watched their community slowly give in to a company and its unethical treatment of employees, its surroundings and the community. New signs and stoplights appeared to “regulate” the traffic. New restaurants and stores in keeping with the people of the workplace, but out of touch with the average citizen. Roads began to deteriorate with the traffic in and out. At first it was guards but not too long after it was security walking the streets. There was talk of a new “police” force.

In the beginning the people welcomed the new company. The hope of jobs and employment for their children and families. Better housing and more. They thought a new lifeblood had been injected into the community and people would begin to return, saving the community from destruction.

But what happened was that the new business was exclusive in its hiring and avoided reaching out into the community. (Except for the security teams.)

The second dream involved the finding of money and treasure. As I walked down the street I began to see green $ signs appear on various people. At first, I thought it was weird. Then I accepted the fact that “they had money”. But what happened as I walked past a couple of people with $ signs appearing was, I heard shouting. “Look at this! I found it! Amazing!” They had found money and treasure. It happened more and more. The $ signs were highlighting potential recipients.

What does this mean? As I spent time I thought how “weird” it was to see two dreams simultaneously. Let me share the thoughts on each dream and the connection I see.

The first dream I believe had to do with the the practice of religion or becoming religious, as opposed to accepting relationship with Christ and moving as He would. Not building a system. Pure religion, it tells us in James is helping widows and children. (Over the weeks I have shared my burden of the children on the border.) It is about keeping yourself “upright” by allowing God to help you.

In the dream their “religion” had appeared to the people and people embraced it. But they embraced more of a system than relationship. The company quickly became exclusive. It began to place demands on others that they could not meet. It developed systems of “protection” and policing to insure its “place” in the community. Its practices of exclusion were destructive to the lives and the lifestyle of the community.

Religion without relationship will soon bind, injure and destroy that which it touches. Life that may have had the “feel” of abundance begins to wither over time. Truly only relationship with Jesus can provide life without striving, peace and joy and all abundantly.

The second dream reflected a trend we are seeing more and more here. The “found money” scenario. Even as I personally take my daily walks I look to the ground for the coins and treasures. Hardly a day goes by without the finding of something. When the person in the dream said “I found it” I saw that as indicative of they were looking. I know we keep our “eyes on Jesus” but I believe God is highlighting things to those seeking, those looking. (And lets be honest…God is everywhere!)

People are finding money and treasures. Lives are being changed, even transformed.

The dreams represent the disparity between the two thought processes. Religion takes. (I am not denigrating offerings or suggesting to not give.) I am talking about the practices of religion without relationship with Him. The missing out of the joy of helping others and holding it for one’s self. Religion seems to feed greed and stinginess. Relationship with Him seems to result in extravagant giving! The second dream highlights the fact that God is revealing not just money and physical treasures, but treasure of His word and Himself. The uncovering of physical treasure and the findings of money, seem to work opposite that of religion and its hand out mentality. (The world in so many areas has seemed to capitalize on this creating a “religion” and not a relationship.)

We are in an amazing season.Keep your eyes out for the signs of what I shared from the dreams. Avoid the entrapment, keep your pathways of joy and peace clear and embrace what God is doing. You are going to find monies in places you never thought of. Even in the midst of others walking right by it. The more we are freed from the rules of religion, the more we are free to embrace the life and liberty of the Lord.

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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