Tag Archives: Abimilech

What Are Your Dreams? A Piece Of Heaven


trumpetYesterday I had a meeting and the topic that came out of it was a “dream center.” The day before someone said “your life is predicated on dreams. You ought to consider a dream center.” So what about dreams?

While working on the manual for prophetic workshops I find I devote a lot prophecy changing a life.

A number of years ago I was invited to a meeting. I was asked to minister to youth. Imagine my surprise to arrive and find out they were “heavy metal” followers not with Jesus. I found that out after the meeting but I was pretty sure! An outreach. The owners of the club asked me to step right on up in the midst of their play “because they will never stop playing if you don’t.” There were over 80 of these young people. Whatever message I had planned went right out the window because I was not aware of what I was “walking into.” So I stepped up and they respectfully stopped. As I went to “minister” I broke open my life before Jesus. And then the powerful spirit of prophecy was released. Continue reading What Are Your Dreams? A Piece Of Heaven