Tag Archives: adultery

Friend Of Sinners

sockmonkeyIt was clear that she was having an affair. How was I going to approach her? Never mind. I did not have to. She came over to talk to me. I saw her husband outside with the rest of the company. “Why are you coming to me” I thought. Continue reading Friend Of Sinners

Stop Broadcasting Their Sin…

2014-05-16 18.40.52The other day I wrote about the word turnaround and how I saw a top to bottom overturn in so many areas. I saw things changing governmentally, economically. Many had this “first” response. “It’s easy to say what you can not see. Anybody can do that.” I believe everyone can do that, but I do not believe everyone wants to or thinks it right to do so. I am not looking to be justified in the accuracy of a word in the next 10 minutes or 10 days. Continue reading Stop Broadcasting Their Sin…

A Move Of God Is A Move Of Love

Two dream settings

One was a school room for a get together of friends from a church I was involved in. In the dream people were invited to the gathering with the concept that our “agenda” was to love people. The difficulty came as we sat at tables to talk. After a while people began to walk out. They wanted teaching!

People went outside and finally returned after being upset that there was no “agenda”. Even in the re-announcement of what the purpose was people were disappointed that not more revelation was going to be given. (Funny they went outside to be “friends” with one another.)

The second dream was like a very large school. Huge areas, lots of students. But while I was walking around I sensed this shift.  A very clear division had begun to arise. What was supposed to be two sides of playing together began to turn very ugly. As I headed towards the stairs a young man with a rifle appeared and began to cut off my entrance to the open stairway. He came right at me and ran into me pushing me to the side. Others began to fight. Continue reading A Move Of God Is A Move Of Love

Marriage In The Trenches

Tina and Lee wedding
Tina and Lee at their wedding October 3rd, 1992

Real marriage doesn’t usually happen in the bright of day.

Someone asked how Tina and I were doing in the midst of our traumatic house loss. Our answer is, “we are doing good.” Sure we are emotional about the loss and all it entails, but at 3PM today, it was behind us. And we are doing well. Our marriage is strong. Continue reading Marriage In The Trenches