Tag Archives: bondage

Is It Time To Celebrate?


leejohndrowteamI see all too often those that are dragged off course by the error of teaching, the deceptions of life and the unwillingness to rise up. And the hard part is knowing where some of it all ends. As you read this piece today I would like to encourage you to not allow the enemy to draw you to the side, to pull at you and destroy you. Continue reading Is It Time To Celebrate?

SEP Or IFS Handled By KJV, TPT, NIV, Etc.

The woman needed surgery. She was crying out for her doctor. Unfortunately, he was not able to operate, because he too was taken ill. His life style had lead him astray. Someone else was going to have to step in, but who? No one had his skills, his capabilities, his knowledge.

cowboyThe surgery was delayed and the woman died. The surgeon who was unable to operate was to be under surgery as well, but guilt ate at him over his inability to perform the surgery and he had a heart attack and died. Continue reading SEP Or IFS Handled By KJV, TPT, NIV, Etc.

Manipulation In The Body

preachingatvillageI watched the video as the gun was placed to my head. The more I watched, the more I knew the outcome. The person was going to be killed. Shot. And of course that was what happened. (Even as I watched this video went viral. The numbers increasing so rapidly I sat there amazed. (Another snuff film at the hands of the enemy and people were eating it up. Please stop!) Continue reading Manipulation In The Body

Carpe Diem Seize The Day For It Is Yours

cansThe Blue Lincoln

A lot of times our dreams are considered messages from God.  And I believe you can have dreams that are triggered by food or chemical situations in your body as well as dreams that are you or from demonic realms.

Last night thought I had a dream that convinced me further of how real dreams are and what they can do. Continue reading Carpe Diem Seize The Day For It Is Yours