Tag Archives: Book

This may relate to books I am writing, have written or reading.

Update October 1st 2013

An update for you!
An update for you!

A number of updates!

For starters this week will be my 21st anniversary of being married to Tina! Yay! 21 years ago in Rutland Vermont we gave our lives to one another.

The book on interrupted process. I have just received the blue penciled edited version and am devoting this week to making the corrections and adding the suggestions. Sabina has been doing a wonderful job lining up my “un-aligned” thinking! She has devoted a lot of time to making me look better than I am in print. Once I get it finalized I will be sharing it with a few friends as well as returning it to Sabina for the hopeful final edit. Continue reading Update October 1st 2013

Update August 21st 2013

An update for you!
An update for you!

Today I devoted a lot of time to prayer. Not because I had to but because it was just one of those days.


  • Interrupted Process
    I have completed 90% with waiting to see what changes will be required. I know not everyone speaks “lee” and probably should not be required to!
  • Prophetic Manuals
    A friend and fellow prophetic voice has offered to work with me in the process of organizing and getting manuals 101-2-3-4 done. Thankful!
  • The Drones Of Heaven
    It continues to sell and I am thinking I am going to upgrade it soon. Available on ITunes and more.
  • Podcast
    The new podcast system is working well and have been listened to more than 60 times in the first 2 days.
  • Help
    Someone has offered to assemble into book form my writings.

Thankful for those coming alongside to help.

Five Senses – Five Transmitters – A New Processor

Hitting the target
A word for today.

Our Senses

This morning I thought about how I sense God’s presence. And what I hear others to process through to determine “His presence.”. So much of what we try to accomplish is without our “God filter” or the understanding that comes from a renewed mind.

Years ago as I “pastored” a church fellowship, I heard people say when confronted with a task or situation, “I am waiting until I feel lead.” So true to my “pastoral nature” I brought a large chunk of lead from a rock and mineral store and when they would say something like that I would push it towards them, suggest “they feel lead” and get on with their life. But when people operate by their 5 natural senses, this process is more than just funny, it is actually prophetic in nature. Satisfy the sensory need and the body can follow. Continue reading Five Senses – Five Transmitters – A New Processor

Personal Update August 9th 2013

An update for you!
An update for you!

Let me just say today is really more personal than it is helpful or educational. It also contains updates on what is coming up.

I awoke somewhere around 4AM finding myself praying out loud. No dream led up to it and I really did not have anything in my mind at the time. Life is like that. We find ourselves in situations that are funny, sad, hard or easy all the time. Continue reading Personal Update August 9th 2013

July 14th 2013 A Little Looking Ahead

An update for you!
An update for you!

My grandchildren being here for VBS took a lot of time, but was well worth it. The last few days the Lord has opened up a garden of beauty and creativity for me to investigate.  I continue to move towards the end of the book on interrupted process.  I add every few days core teachings for the prophetic manual and even snuck in a children’s story, my grandchildren thought was hilarious. I intend for this week to tie some things together, at the same time I have to end my relationship with our Springfield home and get things out of there.

This week 2 things have been resting on my heart. Hospitality-what does it truly look like? (Hint-it is not about you…) and Immaturity-what is our next step. (And it is not about you!) Immaturity is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

We do not need a generation of “his majesty the baby.” We need men who are emotionally mature. Women who operate maturely and can identify men who don’t!

Immature people are often self-centered, egotistic and selfish adults. They may have little regard for others and be preoccupied with their own thoughts and feelings (including “my ministry”). They may demand constant attention, sympathy or compliments. They may avoid participation if they can’t be special. They may obsess about impressing you.

I have a lot to put to words over time on this subject. As my friend Mark pointed out, you cannot just say “grow up” but you must see the process as well as model what it looks like. I will say one of the hardest things I ever see is the man or woman who out of immaturity struggles to be close to those who are mature and have the capability and wisdom to help them to grow. From a life coaching site-Emotionally the struggle is they often cannot handle frustration or criticism; jealous and moody. May have temper tantrums and fear any change. Relationally a person avoids and denies money and relationship problems which require integrity. Seeks people to accuse and blame.

Frankly there were three or four occurrences this week that just added fuel to my thinking on this subject. As a dad, I have advised my children on “what to look for, “and modeled this thinking for them. For instance, I found this on a national dating site.

1) He’s Decisive
2) He Takes Responsibility
3) He Has a Higher Purpose
4) He Has Close Relationships
5) He’s Capable of Expressing Himself

A few weeks ago while working on my book, I found this. (Great refrigerator reminder!)

1. My sons and daughters, choose your friends wisely in the days of your youth, for they shall determine the way you go. 2. A good friend rejoices with you in the praise of God but a bad friend fills your heart with violent thoughts. 3. A bad friend entices you to do evil but a good friend prevents you from sinning against the Lord. 4. A good friend praises you when you speak words of wisdom but a bad friend laughs when you cuss and blaspheme. 5. Good friends will rejoice with you in the days of joy that lie ahead but all the wicked together will despair in the futility of their lives. 6. The Lord knows all your thoughts, He hears every word that comes out of your mouth, and He observes all your deeds. 7. Seek, then, friends who meditate on God’s word, friends who delight in edification, and friends who are zealous in good works. For you are not unaware of the reward awaiting the righteous and you not ignorant of the punishment prepared for the wicked” (Quotes & Things David Collins-a paraphrase of Proverbs 24)

Emotional charges, childish outburst and more all stem from not understanding God’s goodness in your life.

It is as much upon the lives of the mature to dig in as it is in the life of the immature to reach out.

Single interesting tidbit-Boredom In teenagers is considered to be an area of difficulty or a “warning sign” of immaturity.

Those are some of the topics and thinking we will hit on the next few weeks. Look forward to hearing from you.