Tag Archives: coffee

Is It Ready For The Big Time?

leejohndrowteamThis morning I awoke rather early. I looked at the clock and I said to the Lord. “Could I have another half hour and a dream?” He honored that. I awoke exactly 30 minutes later with a dream.

Why did I need another half hour? Because I was beat! Wandering around Lake George, looking at old cars and enjoying my family took a lot of energy! Actually, it was the heat and humidity! Why did I want a dream? Because I just wanted to hear from Him. Continue reading Is It Ready For The Big Time?

Process, Well, It Takes Moment

understanding1Do you know how long it takes for a one and a half year old to pick up 35 pieces of puzzle one at a time? I do! A very l-o-n-g time!

My son asked me if I would watch my granddaughter Naomi, while they went to do some errands. After she got done playing with various toys that included putting a scarf over my head and saying “hide Poppa!” laughing as it fell to the floor, she wanted to do a Barney puzzle. (Puzzles I like-Barney not so much.) She ended up much more interested in the “taking the puzzle apart” part than in putting it together. Continue reading Process, Well, It Takes Moment

Mexican Jumping Beans – Turning Up The Heat

Just a thought?
Just a thought?

When I was young everyone knew or had seen Mexican jumping beans. They were seed pods that had been occupied by the larva of a little moth. The bean would begin to jump as the bean was heated, because the larva would spasm in response to the heat, attempting to move the bean to a cooler place to avoid dehydration and possible death. Just holding the seeds or beans in your hand would cause them to heat up and jump.

One day I brought some to school and put them in our teacher’s drawer. As she came in she told me to “sit down…Now!” I told her I was looking for my snake. Needless to say when the beans jumped in the drawer…. Continue reading Mexican Jumping Beans – Turning Up The Heat

Carrots, Eggs, And Coffee – How Do you Respond?


How Do You Handle Adversity
How Do You Handle Adversity?

This is an old story but a good one.

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling.

Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. Continue reading Carrots, Eggs, And Coffee – How Do you Respond?

A Trip To Inerton – A Dream August 5th, 2013

This morning I awoke about 4 from an unusual dream even for me. In the dream I was aboard an airplane. The airplane was flying over the Atlantic Ocean. On board with me were 2 associates. Two young women were accompanying me to what I believed to be the Olympics. As the plane began to descend, I asked where we were going, one of the young women responded, with “Inerton.” I replied with, “that’s weird, I have never heard of it.” As we were preparing to land there was tremendous explosion nearby. The plane shuddered and arced away sharply. “They have blown up the airport” I was told. “We will make an emergency landing because the gear was damaged.” As I looked out the window I saw flames and smoke. As the plane descended I began to see that we were going to land on a highway. Everything went into slow motion. As we dropped the wings began to hit poles and finally with a loud screech, we came to a stop and we settled. Doors began to open and the women and I were taken down the emergency ramps. (It was then I realized there were no other passengers, but only us and the staff.) As I tried to look around a large black car came up near us and we were scrambled into it. The car took off at a normal speed, no emergency maneuvers or evasion techniques that I could discern. Continue reading A Trip To Inerton – A Dream August 5th, 2013