Tag Archives: conversion

12-30-2013 Thought – Words Made Real


changeprocessLast night before I fell asleep, I felt this in my spirit.

I was thinking about the 2014 prophecy I shared yesterday. I thought how many will read a word like that and not see it change them. Not just my words or this word, but any word.

Words Made Real

Every word that is given to you in your life has the potential to be spirit. Just as a word goes from a logos word (A “head” word-one that is read or viewed only.) to a rhema word (A “heart” word-one that occupies and is energized.) or a word that is now. (I recognize that logos is used for scripture or Jesus and rhema has to do with utterance.) You are the decider of that. Continue reading 12-30-2013 Thought – Words Made Real