Tag Archives: Counsel

Have You Thought This Out?

leejohndrowteamI think one of the biggest questions in the kingdom ought be this when it comes to the idea of questionable or unusual behavior. I also think the response to it determines what is really going on.

Have you thought this out?

I am finding in the midst of an increased understanding of grace an increase of resentment and rejection of correction. I say this is not a response to religion but a revealed immaturity. Continue reading Have You Thought This Out?

Finding Trusted Counsel

leejohndrowteamIn God We Trust…

One of my gifts is that of teaching people to hear from God. My sincere question to someone describing a dream, vision or something else and asking me my thoughts, is “What is God saying to you about this?” Because at the end of the day it may in fact have more value and more insight then the best prophetic word you can receive. Only the other day a “pre-believer” asked me about hearing from God. In the beginning you may be unsure. You may not even be sure. But, I would say to you God truly has you on speed dial and is looking for you to answer and hear His voice. Continue reading Finding Trusted Counsel

Wisdom Walks In Freedom

MarcelA true spiritual parent or mentor will ascertain the gifts and the strengths of an individual. They will also look to the weaknesses as well as areas of change that can be worked on. But in the end, they look at both and encourage an individual to move forward towards completeness, wholeness and His pathway of purpose.

In the early 90’s I worked for a retail company. I worked in a lot of the locations. I traveled here and there adding “maturity” to their workplace as well as expertise. It was during that time I met some young men who over time became “friends”. As I moved up in the company they often contacted me with their business thinking and some conversations about faith and such. Continue reading Wisdom Walks In Freedom

Mexican Jumping Beans – Turning Up The Heat

Just a thought?
Just a thought?

When I was young everyone knew or had seen Mexican jumping beans. They were seed pods that had been occupied by the larva of a little moth. The bean would begin to jump as the bean was heated, because the larva would spasm in response to the heat, attempting to move the bean to a cooler place to avoid dehydration and possible death. Just holding the seeds or beans in your hand would cause them to heat up and jump.

One day I brought some to school and put them in our teacher’s drawer. As she came in she told me to “sit down…Now!” I told her I was looking for my snake. Needless to say when the beans jumped in the drawer…. Continue reading Mexican Jumping Beans – Turning Up The Heat