Tag Archives: division

Look out! Where Will The Spirit of Division Lead us?


On Wednesday of this week, I had a dream about division. Removing people from the fold. Pulling them out of the game

People will be asking “where are they?”

The spirit of division.  

If I have learned one thing about Christ, it is every time I draw a line to keep people “out” I look over to see Christ on the other side of the line with the very people I wanted to “keep out”. And to quote Erin Reagan, maybe the reason for the line being drawn in the sand is so you can erase it! 

Continue reading Look out! Where Will The Spirit of Division Lead us?

The Great Divide Is Prevented By the Great Commandment

I have had an ongoing concern about the division between believers, as well as the increasing divide between believers and unbelievers. Add the critical mass of a division in America and an inability to dialog with out being critical or emotional, and you have the potential for destruction.

A young friend, posted this today… Continue reading The Great Divide Is Prevented By the Great Commandment