Tag Archives: first car

Old Cars And More

1955 Dodge
1955 Dodge

Old Cars And More

I grew up in a different generation. My kids would tell you. I struggled with the idea that so many cars look alike. I fell in love with cars from day one. The first car I remember my Dad had was a 1955 Dodge 2 tone blue. When my mother got her job teaching they got a 1945 Pontiac so they had two cars. We had moved to Northford by then and there was a garage. My grandfather passed away leaving my parents a 1961 Plymouth Valiant.

My first car was a 1936 Chevrolet Master Deluxe. I bought it when I was 15. I paid $50. My friend said it did not run. My father had it towed with a chain behind his 1970 ford pickup F100. WE had shot the cylinders up with kerosene. As we got the bottom of Village Street and approached Route 17 the car “started” and bumped into the step bumper of my dad’s car pushing him towards the intersection.

Over time I am going to write about some of my fun cars. Love to hear about your!