Tag Archives: freedom

Are You Barb Wired In? Have You Been Trying To Skip Instead Of Sink?

Visions December 1 2013

While visiting with a friend I was sharing how so few people want to look in for their answers. Am I the only one who ever made the round of calls where no one answers in my time of “desperation” only to reach answering services? Looking for someone to talk to while the Lord is inside. (Perhaps even saying, “uhh, hello? I am SOMEBODY!”)

And while I was talking to him I had a vision of a skipping stone across a river. I watched the stone skipping with slowly declining arcs across the shimmering waters. At some point, with momentum lost, the stone sunk to the bottom. Continue reading Are You Barb Wired In? Have You Been Trying To Skip Instead Of Sink?

The Breakdown of Dividing Walls

trumpetDream A Little Dream

Last night I would have been “happy” with a little dream. But it was not to be so. I went to be late, only to find myself awakened from a “life size” dream, thinking it was two hours before and earlier than I had actually gone to bed!

Dreams are like that for me. Some dreams are little blips and others are time consuming and often require much thinking and processing.

My last dream was a little after 5AM. It seemed to tie all the others together.  (I do not like “conclusion” stories. I like clarification as I go. When people tell me stories and start at the end rather than the beginning, I find it difficult to follow.) But that is how the dreams went. Some snippets, others movies. Continue reading The Breakdown of Dividing Walls

Around The Edges – A Look At Two Sides

2012-04-22_08-03-20_978I often am giving thought to the “whys” of life. I look for God’s purpose in each situation. I want to hear from Him. I was the kid who never stopped asking questions.  One of those thoughts often has to do with how we “make things better.” I am concerned about the folks who are not plugged into God. Perhaps they never heard. Perhaps what they heard was false and ingenuous.  That bothers me. We are the church. And with that…

I think a lot about those who “walked” away from the Lord. The reason for my quotes in the previous sentence is that for the believer who has accepted Christ, how do you walk away? Does the circumcision by God (In him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands. Your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by Christ, Colossians 2:11) done in you get restored? Is He going to put it back on? Continue reading Around The Edges – A Look At Two Sides

The Nails That Hold Fast – A Dream About Women

Captain of your destiny

What We Chew On

Last night one of my dreams put me in the position of being “hurt” by others and watching them be hurt as well. The hurts were physical. Not deadly or catastrophic but those little “pains” that you know have a deadlier or more sinister meaning. You know the feeling, like you are going to pay for it later or they would have hurt you more had no one been looking.

I woke up feeling not “my pain” but the pains of the many whom were hurting. What I realized was I was the only guy in the dream. These young women were taking their hurts (As they hurt each other.) out on me. Even in the dream I thought this unusual. For one I did not recognize any of them that I could recollect. And I knew I had not seen them until I walked by them on the street or in the park where I was. Continue reading The Nails That Hold Fast – A Dream About Women

Overlapping Freedoms – Liberty, Independence & Honor

3circlesWhen your freedom overlaps my freedom, honor is the ONLY solution. (How much freedom can fit in the room?)

Because I feel we have much to learn in the area of how great our freedom is we will need to learn how great the need is to “protect and serve with honor.” We must protect our freedom and never return to the traditions of men that bind and control. And yet to take our liberty and wield it with disregard for those about us creates another set of problems. Continue reading Overlapping Freedoms – Liberty, Independence & Honor