Tag Archives: Freedoms

“Give Me Your Health” The Second Tactic Of The Enemy

leejohndrowteamThe second trend is to destroy your health. The first was found here.)

The last few months I have seen two tactics of the enemy that have been developing and gaining speed. The first I addressed, was the disconnects that were occurring in people. This included busyness, depression and more. At first, I thought it might have been isolated instances, but as I talked to people, more and more people voiced their feelings of “distance”. In the past I have talked about the advent of social networks (Facebook, etc.) as one of the reasons, the stripping away of freedoms and situations that create the disconnect. Continue reading “Give Me Your Health” The Second Tactic Of The Enemy

Overlapping Freedoms – Liberty, Independence & Honor

3circlesWhen your freedom overlaps my freedom, honor is the ONLY solution. (How much freedom can fit in the room?)

Because I feel we have much to learn in the area of how great our freedom is we will need to learn how great the need is to “protect and serve with honor.” We must protect our freedom and never return to the traditions of men that bind and control. And yet to take our liberty and wield it with disregard for those about us creates another set of problems. Continue reading Overlapping Freedoms – Liberty, Independence & Honor