Tag Archives: heart

Faster Than Dial Up – He Is Here!


internetbothIn 1995 I started my first internet company. Internet? Who would have thought? Technological progress at speeds previously before not thought of. Every time you turned around there was a new start-up. Deals were made on napkins in diners and restaurants. Sure the internet had been around some 40 plus years (Thank you Al Gore…)and computers could now fit on your desk instead of taking up your whole bedroom. Each week I would stand before rooms of business people, explaining to them how something they had not heard of, could not see, would make their business better. Continue reading Faster Than Dial Up – He Is Here!

You Are Better Than That

leejohndrowteamWhat is it we need in our lives to cause us to grow in to all that He believes for us in us?

I have been giving this a lot of thought. We are better than we think. We are more loving, more powerful and more loved than we know. We are better than that!

I find that I am saying this to a lot of people lately. “You are better than that.” Not just because of a “bad choice” but some of the “settling for choices” as well. Continue reading You Are Better Than That

Your Life Is About To Change

goldcoinI love those words. “Your life is about to change!”

Your experiences will dictate how you receive those words. Are you thinking “Oh, no! Here we go again!” or are you excited, looking forward? Experience and your reality of the past determine your understanding and capture of a future. But often your reality is not the reality of heaven. And it is heaven and its dictates that are crucial to living a supernatural life in Him. Continue reading Your Life Is About To Change

Words Of Destiny #4 A Young Man Dines and A Young Girl Has Her Heart Healed

podcast_logo1-e1377265165667This morning I was swept through the clouds. Nearly an hour later my chest hurts from the sobbing I encountered, as I felt I was weeping over children and nations. It was unexpected and painful. It was one of those cries where you feel something breaking loose.

The first person I saw was a young man in a chapeau who was invited in to sup with the King in recognition of service and faithfulness. Continue reading Words Of Destiny #4 A Young Man Dines and A Young Girl Has Her Heart Healed