Tag Archives: humor

The Ability To Be Organized – May It Be Empowered!

post-itA little tongue in cheek for the morning.

The first step asks that you admit you are powerless over Post-It’s and that your life is unmanageable.

I guess on some levels I must be a romantic. I guess I believe everything will just work out. You know, find the right girl (Or guy), and life will be without problem, without discord. Perhaps I am a little Pollyanna in part from the generation and culture I grew up in.

So my desire to be “organized” is not as good as I would like. I tend to rely on experience and not thought process some times. If I am helping someone else that is one thing…but me? Continue reading The Ability To Be Organized – May It Be Empowered!

A Failure To Communicate!

cansFailure to communicate is a fact of everyday life. “Nobody told me.” “I couldn’t open my e-mail.” “I didn’t get the message.”

I need to talk about something people do not realize. Facebook is not the ultimate communication.

“But it is Facebook, people place a lot of reliance on it.” Can I say something? DON’T!

So many of us use Facebook, we often ask “what did we do before?” As someone who uses Facebook for both personal, ministry related and business, I think on some levels I am qualified to speak about some discoveries. (Plus being on the internet since 1995. Yes, there was an internet, not invented by Al Gore!) Continue reading A Failure To Communicate!

Cabin Fever- Are You Embarrassed By Your Cabin Fever Skills? Here’s What To Do

We are fast approaching that time in New England where people are at odds with just about everything. As we just missed yet another storm (Storm warnings!), people are trying to figure it all out. In Vermont we have had a lot of snow. And like others, the un-shoveled roof leaked a little. And this is before all the really big storms we sometimes get in March and April. The mantra “spring is in the air” has been floating around for weeks. Everyone is saying it and wanting to believe it. It is always interesting to me that as we come out of fall and into winter 35 degrees is COLD! But at this time of year, 35 degrees is the breath of spring. Continue reading Cabin Fever- Are You Embarrassed By Your Cabin Fever Skills? Here’s What To Do