Tag Archives: influence

Influence To Be Guided

lee1-150x150.jpgThis morning I awoke to the words “strike” and the crashing of pins.

When I was a child my parents would tell me there was people bowling in heaven as lightning flashed and thunder rolled. (There was no storm this morning.) Continue reading Influence To Be Guided

A New City Of Refuge

MarcelI woke up this morning thinking about influence. Maybe more about what determines it than anything else. For me, I truly believe in where you are determines not just “quality” of life but what you find in influence.

First, let me quickly show you what influence is. It is defined this way. “The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.” That is the noun and we mostly will stay there. The verb really in most cases talks about changing something. Influencing someone to change for instance. Continue reading A New City Of Refuge

Is It Ready For The Big Time?

leejohndrowteamThis morning I awoke rather early. I looked at the clock and I said to the Lord. “Could I have another half hour and a dream?” He honored that. I awoke exactly 30 minutes later with a dream.

Why did I need another half hour? Because I was beat! Wandering around Lake George, looking at old cars and enjoying my family took a lot of energy! Actually, it was the heat and humidity! Why did I want a dream? Because I just wanted to hear from Him. Continue reading Is It Ready For The Big Time?

Your Influence Shapes Your Legacy

My friend Darryl.
My friend Darryl.

Last night the wife of an old friend came by to visit. Martha and I go back a long ways. Her husband, Darryl and her were influential in my life for many a year in ministry, before he had a stoke, subsequently passing a way some time later. It was so good to see her and her travel companion, Joan. Continue reading Your Influence Shapes Your Legacy

No Longer A Ride On The Wild Side

leejohndrowteamThis is a longer writing. I wish I knew how to keep things short, but… What I have written is a “recording” of events that are occurring and steps that are necessary in a believer’s life. As much as I hate to admit it, there are indeed fiery trials. Our job is to listen to God, reveal His glory and move in the purpose He has established for us. Simple? Some are shaking their heads “no”. The biggest thing to keep in mind as you read this, is the body of Christ is important to our purpose.

Key thought? Stay plugged in! Continue reading No Longer A Ride On The Wild Side

My Influence Is Your Influence

changeI have given lots of thought over the years to influence.

The dictionary defines influence (noun) as the following.


1. The capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others: He used family influence to get the contract.

2. The action or process of producing effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of another or others: Her mother’s influence made her stay. Continue reading My Influence Is Your Influence

3 Words For Today You May Want To Consider

flamesNo sooner had I completed my blog entry for today than I found myself hearing and seeing words.

I feel like we are in a season of revival, of awakening and words that encourage and change us are important. I see, as do others, far reaching change of our nation.

With that in mind I share these three words. Continue reading 3 Words For Today You May Want To Consider

The Floodgates Are Opening

Jacob 002The little old lady walked me to the door. While she walked me through the beautiful home she kept talking about travel. We reached the door and I walked down a very narrow ramp. As we reached the bottom large animals that looked much like rhinoceroses came into view, running across the front yard. We continued to speak of travel and I shared stories from trips to California and flights that had been taken.

Her parting words hit me. “You travel well.”

I awoke and thought, “do I?” Continue reading The Floodgates Are Opening