Tag Archives: kingdom

You Can Get Off Anytime



The last few days I have watched this recurring vision. A vision of a treadmill. Now many people use treadmills. A treadmill is great for walking or running when it is cold outside. But the reality of it is, it is nothing like being outside walking. And where do you go? Where do you end up?

I should say in advance I am not a big treadmill fan. There is nothing wrong with them, they just aren’t me. I am an outside kind of guy. I like walking along rivers and through the woods. Continue reading You Can Get Off Anytime

Find A Field And Put Gold In It

What if...
What if…

I find myself so easily enthralled with what is good. And so desperately engaged by “what is wrong”. What is good where I live is more what I seek than what is not. It is not about being an ostrich and sticking my head in the sand, but being caught up in the good that is there. Continue reading Find A Field And Put Gold In It

Insanity is… Until You See a Better Way

leejohndrowteamWhen I was a young man I did a lot of foolish things. I grew up in an era of fast cars and bikes and I pushed the limits everywhere I went. I caused myself and others a lot of pain. Racing, illegal stunts and more. (One of my dumbest was showing off to friends in the middle of a busy road. Pulling a wheelie in front of the restaurant where my friends were, I thought I “had it”. But I did not count on the car pulling out of the right hand road. I was forced to come down hard, and while I was able to be on the top of the bike, it was headed towards a moving tractor trailer that had pulled out of the “entrance” of a business. I was trapped and as I went under the trailer, I thought, “this could be it”. Moments later I was on the other side and my pride was relatively in tact as I yelled at the drivers. My handlebars were bent but I was able to drive home. Some years later I came to the conclusion that it was dumb and I was the wrongful party. ) I had accidents, court appearances and pain over my foolishness. Continue reading Insanity is… Until You See a Better Way

Where Is Your Family?

2014-05-16 18.40.52A thought for my friends about the finished work, revival, and such.

Over the last few months I have had a number of people talk to me about family. I have thought long and hard about it. So many are bemoaning the “loss” of their family while in pursuit of the Lord. Here is one of the statements one made to me. “ I have also been dwelling on what good does it do if I get it but no one else in the family does.” That is it! Where would God be without His family? Why sacrifice for the “whole world” if He was going to keep it to one? Continue reading Where Is Your Family?

Redemption Or Bankruptcy? The Choice Is Yours

Prophesying over my friends.
Prophesying over my friends.

Last night one of my dreams put me in a place of contention with a friend over the world, economics and the topic of bankruptcy versus redemption. He was telling me that in the process of his loss he had been able to develop a process of redemption rather than bankruptcy allowing him and his wife to move ahead.

Now, as I awoke I thought about it. First, the reality of it. (Could not validate his point.) Then on to his points. Continue reading Redemption Or Bankruptcy? The Choice Is Yours

Remembering The Good Old Days-Overtaken!

preachingatvillageLast night was a dream night. It was kind of like going to a bunch of different amusement parks. First an island adventure, then to the Middle East and then somewhere in Southeast Asia. Funny, I do not go to bed with those places on my mind for the most part. Occasionally before falling asleep I will pray for a place, but usually I am “programming” for answers, for encounters. So, going places and seeing people is not something I “look” for. Continue reading Remembering The Good Old Days-Overtaken!

My Family Church, The Village Church

leejohndrowteamSomeone asked me what I think makes our church culture different.

The following are my views and only my views. They are not representative of everyone’s beliefs or experiences. Simply mine. Our core values and thinking can be viewed here.

The fast answer is honor of one another, the love for one another and the fact that we are family.

Continue reading My Family Church, The Village Church

“Growth Is Excessive” Because God Is!

leejohndrowteamI read that headline, “Growth Is Excessive” and thought, is it possible? The story was just as exciting…

In a dream I had it was very dark and yet over where the fence was I saw 4 lights like that you might see on a radar screen. “Lee, you have to go get them” I was told. I did not want to but I finally got up and ran down the darkened path to where these lights were. I got them and returned with them. My heart was pounding.

The lights had been carriers of darkness in the dream. They were targets to be removed. It was time to shut them out. And they were. Continue reading “Growth Is Excessive” Because God Is!

The Authority And Power Inside

leejohndrowteamIn my dream last night I was teaching in a school. The students were probably high school age, but the unusual part was each day new students would appear and one from the day before would remain. The fast changing atmosphere was interesting in the meeting of the people. The process of just sharing the same information for a month or so was different and not much of a challenge. At the end of the month I would have a class of “left overs” and the real process of what I was to teach was on. Living in the Kingdom while being in the world and integrating the life of the Kingdom to change the world. Continue reading The Authority And Power Inside

Walking In The Geography Of The Kingdom

“The power went out. They are after us.” And then I looked at the clock. It was still lit and kept on moving. Even more concern. The very fact that I still had time with out power was a concern in the dream. I awoke and the only light in my room was on my clock.

I lay there and contemplated the reality of the dream. What it could mean? Continue reading Walking In The Geography Of The Kingdom