Tag Archives: Liberty

Is It Time To Celebrate?

leejohndrowteamI see all too often those that are dragged off course by the error of teaching, the deceptions of life and the unwillingness to rise up. And the hard part is knowing where some of it all ends. As you read this piece today I would like to encourage you to not allow the enemy to draw you to the side, to pull at you and destroy you. Continue reading Is It Time To Celebrate?

Limited Or Limitless?

preachingatvillageLimited or Limitless-Does life have limits?

Like many nights I came out of a dream. The “problem” for me and dreams is that when I wake up I am not sure that I am “out” of the dream. So as I wandered down the steps to the living room, my thoughts were in a dream. I came down and did my normal “get ready” which includes pushing the button on coffee, turning on my computer and using the bathroom. Continue reading Limited Or Limitless?

Memorial Day-Remembering The Fallen

My Dad
My father and grandmother

Memorial Day-My dad was a veteran of WWII. He did not die as many did, the very reason we celebrate Memorial Day, for those who gave their lives. My dad, like so many carried the guilt, the pain the hurt of fallen comrades. I never take the sacrifice lightly. This is the second of two articles this weekend on Memorial Day and one that appeared in numerous papers a few years ago.

Continue reading Memorial Day-Remembering The Fallen

A Dog With Two Bones- A Tale Of Choice

A Word To Hear
A Word To Hear

In one of my dreams a person had multiple choices before them and the words, “Caesar, Caesar” were being shouted out to them. Upon awakening, I came to the conclusion that the words were really “seize her” pointing out the answer to a choice.

When I was young I was told the story of a dog with two bones. In a nutshell it comes down to choices. The dog could not decide on which bone to choose, so it chooses none and does not eat. Too often in life we have a choice. Continue reading A Dog With Two Bones- A Tale Of Choice

My Influence Is Your Influence

changeI have given lots of thought over the years to influence.

The dictionary defines influence (noun) as the following.


1. The capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others: He used family influence to get the contract.

2. The action or process of producing effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of another or others: Her mother’s influence made her stay. Continue reading My Influence Is Your Influence

The Nails That Hold Fast – A Dream About Women

Captain of your destiny

What We Chew On

Last night one of my dreams put me in the position of being “hurt” by others and watching them be hurt as well. The hurts were physical. Not deadly or catastrophic but those little “pains” that you know have a deadlier or more sinister meaning. You know the feeling, like you are going to pay for it later or they would have hurt you more had no one been looking.

I woke up feeling not “my pain” but the pains of the many whom were hurting. What I realized was I was the only guy in the dream. These young women were taking their hurts (As they hurt each other.) out on me. Even in the dream I thought this unusual. For one I did not recognize any of them that I could recollect. And I knew I had not seen them until I walked by them on the street or in the park where I was. Continue reading The Nails That Hold Fast – A Dream About Women

Words Of Destiny September 11th 2013

podcast_logo1-e1377265165667As I gazed into the “looking glass” I saw two people this morning. One was an older man who was frustrated as his paradigm shifted. A paradigm shift is when you know you can not go back to the way you once thought.

The other a young lady who wanted to dance. Liberty is here!

New Testament prophecy ought to bring hope, encouragement and build you up.

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Overlapping Freedoms – Liberty, Independence & Honor

3circlesWhen your freedom overlaps my freedom, honor is the ONLY solution. (How much freedom can fit in the room?)

Because I feel we have much to learn in the area of how great our freedom is we will need to learn how great the need is to “protect and serve with honor.” We must protect our freedom and never return to the traditions of men that bind and control. And yet to take our liberty and wield it with disregard for those about us creates another set of problems. Continue reading Overlapping Freedoms – Liberty, Independence & Honor