Tag Archives: manna

The Need To Grow Up And Grow Forth

responsibilityVirtually everyone at one time or other has received a dream, a vision, a feeling or impression. The question is not that we receive but what we respond with. Continue reading The Need To Grow Up And Grow Forth

A Fresh Word From The Ovens Of Heaven

breadWhat a dream!

The people were running. There was no food to eat. And yet, there was a knowing by many that something supernatural was about to happen. There was a tension in the air. The smell of victory was closing in. People were being encouraged to stand strong. (For some friends it could be a football game this weekend!)And then the answer began to be seen. As the people’s voices were raised the landscape changed, the postures straightened and joy rang out across the battlefields.

I am not sure about you but I am a sucker for the underdog. More than likely that is an American thing on some levels, but I am pretty sure it is a Jesus thing as well. It was at the cross that God equalized things for many. Continue reading A Fresh Word From The Ovens Of Heaven

Praying For Those In The Middle August 14th 2013

A Word To Hear
A Word To Hear

This morning while in prayer I saw three things.

First let me clarify, I have had a sense that many were feeling the ill effects of circumstances and situations. Two friends followed up with me to ask for prayer.

I have watched good people getting the stuffing knocked out of them. In particular the workplace has been getting harder for some. The heat is on. (All I can hear is that song “The Heat Is On” by Glenn Frey! Yesterday I wrote of the heat and what it does to Mexican Jumping Beans.) My wife as well as my friends are working hard to be the witness they are called to be in the workplace. So, as I prayed for those in the workplace I saw this. Continue reading Praying For Those In The Middle August 14th 2013