Tag Archives: music

I Just Want To Write!

leejohndrowteamI am working through the idea that there is a book out there. My book The Interrupted Process is on the market. This is a snippet from it.

[tweetthis]Interrupted Process: Getting From Here To There[/tweetthis]

Interrupted Process: Getting From Here To There Continue reading I Just Want To Write!

Mundanity – You Don’t Have To Live There!

What if...
What if…

Too often in our lives we encounter mundanity. We begin something and it it lasts longer than we had anticipated. Or perhaps circumstances in our life have changed causing the need for the existence to last but a little longer. Continue reading Mundanity – You Don’t Have To Live There!

It Is Time To Use Your Words

leejohndrowteamWhen I first connected with God and gave my life over to Him I was pretty naïve about a lot of things. I believed a lot of things I no longer believe. Even today my belief in God is deepened, shaped and changed. To try to live like I always did no longer possible.

One of the things I heard was this. That while God was pure the impurity of the vessel added residue to the words that someone brought forth. You may know it as the “flesh” thing. Flesh tarnishes spirit thinking. Now, I do not believe that anymore and if you do have at it. (But before you send me the scathing epistles take some time to study the word “flesh”.) I was taught that when someone gives a word the “impurity” of them will get on it, leaving it “good but not God”. Continue reading It Is Time To Use Your Words