Tag Archives: realms

The Closening Of Angels


leejohndrowteamThis week I have sensed a spiritual shift or a “closening” of the realm of angels and God. It had been a period of weeks or maybe even months since I felt this happening. This time seems different than previous times. Why? I am not totally sure, but I am sure it is happening. Continue reading The Closening Of Angels

Realms And Dimensions – Thinking Of Heaven

heargod2This morning it was nearly 0300 dark when I awoke. As I lay there I began to meditate on my favorite subject. Heaven. I often think about the occupants, the physical layout, the supernatural beings that are spoken of in the scriptures. The more I think on heaven the more I want it here. Now. I don’t want to go someplace, I want to be “some place”! Continue reading Realms And Dimensions – Thinking Of Heaven