Tag Archives: serve

Legacy Is Light And Life

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

In a dream last night I met with this young person. He was perhaps 20-25 years old. As we talked, He unfolded His knowledge of things. His knowledge included things of God and the Bible. As we continued to talk and I asked questions, more and more his answers were, “I do not know” or I do not know how to do that”. As I left him and continued my journey even in the dream I realized he did not have a “clue” about so many things. He had even shared with me his church experiences and he had seen some very cool things. But these were relegated to an entertainment “status” in mind. Not something he or his friends planned on doing or even knew how to do. His plan was to become more educated, to learn more. Continue reading Legacy Is Light And Life

Why Do We Serve? Family!

2014-03-15 11.16.51Many have written much more and perhaps considerably better on the topic of serving. Why do we serve? I told my children and my grandchildren, “because we are family”. It is not a chore or a job but a responsibility and an honor to serve one another. We can spiritualize and say it is “because He served us” and throw in all the good scriptures and that is fine, but if you do not see yourself as family it is not going to do anything but be an idol or a millstone about your neck. Continue reading Why Do We Serve? Family!