Tag Archives: smell

Have You Really Thought About What Helps You To Grow?

tomato-gardenAnother piece in the garden series. No topic in recent days has been more in need of wisdom than this one for me.

Living In New England, you often get the opportunity to smell the fresh manure that has been moved about at a farm or spread on a field. (And truth be told, some farms smell better than others!) Well, no story of a garden can take place without fertilizer and that means even the “spiritual garden” we often speak of. Continue reading Have You Really Thought About What Helps You To Grow?

Shhhh… Listen! Do You Smell The Sound Of Fear?

fearI think about the fear I see grip people. I think about how much goes unaccomplished in our world over the issue of fear. I accept the fact that fear can be a perceived or real issue.

Some 30 years ago, I remember watching a horror movie on a 19” black and white Sony. I remember the boy climbing into the coffin and I clearly remember the body jumping up. That was it. TV off, lights off.

I had been a horror film watcher for years and all of a sudden this one “got” me. Years later I became involved in witchcraft and I cannot begin to tell you the journey of fear. I do not watch fright films or horror films and have not for many a year. (Who needs the spirit of fear in your home or life?) I like life without fear. That is not to say in my “born again” experience I have not been afraid and had to overcome it a time or two. Continue reading Shhhh… Listen! Do You Smell The Sound Of Fear?