Tag Archives: spiritual

Guess Who’s Watching?


leejohndrowteamYesterday I had a meeting which a superior said to me, “you are spiritual and it shows in how you do things.” Interesting that they were watching.

Many times I have come in under the radar to see someone’s heart turned to the Lord. No tracts, mini Bibles or newsletters. Just love. I have watched God change a person’s life so many times I cannot count. I have had folks come to my home and spoken to them. From cults and covens and watched them begin to weep as I have shared God’s love. Admittedly I was not always like that with God. I was a “beat them over the head with it” guy. Continue reading Guess Who’s Watching?

April Showers Bring May Flowers-Change Is In The Air

Ready for God to express Himself.
Ready for God to express Himself.

Last night I had the opportunity of being with some close friends. We talked about supernatural and spiritual things. I was sharing some of the things that many might think “crazy” but only in the church do we spend time “cataloging” sins, experiences, etc.. So many are more concerned with the deception they might encounter that they miss out on the experiences God might produce. I know God. I am not “worried” about being deceived. Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. If it were possible!

Continue reading April Showers Bring May Flowers-Change Is In The Air

Life – A Spiritual Quest

leejohndrowteamI thought a lot about the blood moon as we drove back from Boston last night. I thought about it through my sleepless night. I thought how far I have come in my journey with Jesus. When I started I was fearful, tired and really at the end of my rope. But the entrance of Jesus into my heart and my life energized me, changed me. Clearly it was less about me and more about Him.

I know what I believe now causes many to say “good bye” but my thinking was changed by Him and not because I woke up one day and said “this will be a great idea”. I think in retrospect I came in by fear and not by faith only to find something, some one I could believe in. Continue reading Life – A Spiritual Quest