Tag Archives: thinking

I Came That You Might Think

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

Have you seen the horse? Do you see a table or people? Let me know when you know how many frogs there are.

“Lee, what are you talking about?”

I am talking about those drawings that appear on Facebook or in a kid’s Highlight magazine. The ones where a drawing has more than one figure. Or you are asked to see how many of something exist in a picture. The purpose being to cause you to think. To see outside the norm. To evaluate and not just move on to the next thing without thinking. Continue reading I Came That You Might Think

What Do You Think?

Pam Potter
Pam Potter

August 7th, 2014
Pam Potter

As I sit on the deck with my morning coffee I close my eyes and my mind is infiltrated with thoughts of upcoming events, loved ones I need to connect with, a growing to-do list as well as memories of long ago. I find myself saying “excuse me, but would you kindly move aside to make way for my Jesus?” Continue reading What Do You Think?

You’ve Got Situations, We Have Solutions.

leejohndrowteamI awoke, cloudy from sleep, but clearly hearing the words, “what is the solution”. Do you mean what is the answer, I thought. “What is the solution” came thundering back to me. Clearly my sleep had ended for the night. I lay in bed and rolled the words for a few minutes. I know an answer is different than a solution, but a solution can be part of an answer. (A solution can be the answer.) But I was unsure of what I was hearing. Continue reading You’ve Got Situations, We Have Solutions.

Support Or Ministry? Discernment Or Disaster?

Keep Strong Values
Keep Strong Values-Connections worth keeping

There may well be a difference between supporting someone and being a friend or seeing something as ministry.

First, let me say, here in the United States I appreciate our Constitution and in particular the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Continue reading Support Or Ministry? Discernment Or Disaster?