Tag Archives: thunder snow

Sound Barriers

Fire, forward, fast
Fire, forward, fast

Sound barriers are made to be broken.

For the last couple of days I have been contemplating sound barriers. It began when I went to give a prophetic word to a friend of mine. I heard the Lord say something about sound barriers when I heard a loud noise. At first I thought it was “Thunder snow” but then I realized it was it was a breaking of the sound barrier in the spirit. Continue reading Sound Barriers

Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.

What will you write today?
What will you write today?

The words appeared as I was trying to work.  “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.” Clearly their idea of a minute is different than mine. After 11 minutes I realized they are on “daylight wasting time.”

From a dream last night.

I looked at the web page control panel (Something I feel I have been doing a lot lately!) and stared. The options were amazing. Unlike a standard web system where I could control color, font styles, images and such, this one was so much different.

Each panel had options for the “day”. You could choose everything for the environment from weather, location, encounters and outside or inside. You had options on other panel to choose moods, type of interactions and opportunities. The lists were full and amazing. Like an actual control panel, you could leave things open ended or you could get very definitive. You could “trust” in the system or you could become creative and let the uniqueness and personal expression come forth. Continue reading Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.