Tag Archives: value

Living Legacy – What Does That Mean?

amy dad“Jacob. What do you like best about vacation?”

“Family” replied my eight year old grandson.

For the first time since I was a child we had a family vacation. It consisted of two grandparents, five children and seven grandchildren. It took place on a lake in the middle of “Nowhere” New York. Somehow, some way we got everyone away at the same time to the same place. Continue reading Living Legacy – What Does That Mean?

Hidden Value Being Revealed

Over time if you pay attention to things you will soon learn the value of  something. But not all value is out in the open, staring you in the face.

leejohndrowteamYesterday I read of a man who went through a difficult time. His response  was he grabbed his metal detector and went treasure hunting. A short while  later under 6 inches of dirt he found an 87 ounce piece of gold. Estimated  to be worth $135,000 he said he would not take less than $200,000 for it. Continue reading Hidden Value Being Revealed

My Value Is Found In His Love For Me

Prepared Not UnpreparedThis morning while in prayer I thought of my value. What is it that makes up my value? Or yours?

I had had a dream in the early hours of the night. In the dream the people were pouring a foundation for a home. They had dug out the hole, squared up everything and then were preparing for the pour. I came along and I said “where are your form boards?” The boards that are put in place with sides of plywood or special plastic panels. You would have thought I threatened their lives. They flipped out. Yelling and screaming at me they proceeded to tell me they knew what they were doing. For me, it was clear to see they did not. My effort to save them trouble and despair went unheeded. Continue reading My Value Is Found In His Love For Me

Legacy Is A Footprint Recording

When I was a child I thought a sock monkey was God. Someone heard me share the story and made me a new sock monkey.

I jumped from the ledge. The trip down ended suddenly as I splashed down into the mud and water. I was finally able to work my way out. Where I had fallen to was still imprinted with my “image” and remained that way for several days. Continue reading Legacy Is A Footprint Recording

To Mentor..Or Not To Mentor…Is There A Question?

MarcelLast night I had the opportunity to share on mentoring with the adult class at our VBS. (Which was epic this year!) One of the things the Lord shared with me some 15 years ago or so was. Every Timothy needs a Paul. Every Paul needs a Timothy. And every Barnabas needs a Paul.(And vice versa.)

Rather than make this a very long writing for a Saturday, I am going to break this up into a couple of parts. That thinking and subsequent decision is the result of listening to one of the best builders I know. A true Paul (Or Barnabas.) in my life. Continue reading To Mentor..Or Not To Mentor…Is There A Question?

Two Sides Of The Coin?

preachingatvillageThere are two sides to every coin (Least as far as I know.) and today was a good example.

A dear friend of mine lost her dad last week. She and her husband asked me to do the “celebration of life” service. It was attended by here family and members of our church family. Even when you know where someone is “going” it forces you to think about the play of things. Continue reading Two Sides Of The Coin?

A Prophetic Voice and Their Choices

trumpetWhile traveling through Boston last night I just gave a lot of thought to my first travels through the city when I was 4 or so. I thought about all the years that had gone by since my mom introduced me to Lexington and Concord, Paul Revere and history.

Life is interesting. Paul Revere’s ride. This from PaulRevereHouse.org

In 1774 and the Spring of 1775 Paul Revere was employed by the Boston Committee of Correspondence and the Massachusetts Committee of Safety as an express rider to carry news, messages, and copies of resolutions as far away as New York and Philadelphia. Continue reading A Prophetic Voice and Their Choices

Unraveling The Raveled – Pulling Light Out Of Darkness

Jacob, Jordan and Mariah
Jacob, Jordan and Mariah

One of the hardest things about being a believer is watching people, friends and family go through difficult times. Particularly those that are within their grasp to control. Too often the choices that one makes determine the quality of the answer.

What about choices? As one of my dear friends Roger stated at a funeral not too long ago in his own inimitable way.  “Get a job. Be a good person. Do not be a bum. Do not marry a bum. Do not let your kids be bums.” Over the years he has said similar things like, “if you do drugs the handwriting is on the wall.” Now both he and I believe God can help restore and bring those people into better circumstances. But so often it is choices…then and now. Continue reading Unraveling The Raveled – Pulling Light Out Of Darkness