Tag Archives: Vietnam

Mourning In The Morning

2015-09-05 12.52.11I grew up in a generation of turmoil. But our turmoil seemed to have a respect factor, even in disagreement. I was a child of the 60’s and if you see some of my shirts you know that hasn’t changed all that much!

We were seeking something. Anything. Continue reading Mourning In The Morning

Who’s Side Are You On?

Last night as I read about the ongoing stirrings in Ukraine, the position of England and the United States towards Russia right now and a few other skirmishes about the world, I was brought back to a time in my life as a youth. It was the time of the Vietnam War. A brutal time in our country’s history. Polarization, fear and a misunderstanding of so many things.

I began to share some of that time with my grandchildren. My grandson Jordan is beginning to study the war. (Wonder what spin that will get in a public school?) So a conversation began. I was surprised how much “it brought up in me”. Continue reading Who’s Side Are You On?