Tag Archives: virus

Destroy The Works Of The Enemy

leejohndrowteamThe enemy of our soul is alive and well, regardless of our belief or lack of belief in him. The devil and his minions move about looking to hurt, kill and destroy. I bring this up because lately I have noticed a number of folks who were struck down by a virus or disease that in many cases had slipped by undiagnosed. Ultimately each received the diagnosis by the most recent team of doctors. But in a few cases, some required 2, 3, even 4th or 5th doctors and teams. It would be one thing if the “disease” just noodled along, but in the most recent cases I had been involved in, the illness came in like gangbusters. Continue reading Destroy The Works Of The Enemy

My Influence Is Your Influence

changeI have given lots of thought over the years to influence.

The dictionary defines influence (noun) as the following.


1. The capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others: He used family influence to get the contract.

2. The action or process of producing effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of another or others: Her mother’s influence made her stay. Continue reading My Influence Is Your Influence

Temptation And The Power Of It

Here ducky, ducky!
Here ducky, ducky!

I find the power of temptation is to appeal to something you may have previously engaged in or been part of. The temptation is designed to “pull you away” from a pathway. Not so much the pathway of righteousness, but the pathway of understanding who you are in Him. The temptation is created to cause doubt, fear or condemnation to occur.

The devil is a defeated foe (John 12:31, 16:11) who lives his life as the father of lies. (John 8:44) But God who is faithful has built roadblocks. (1 Corinthians 10:13) He has given you a way out. Continue reading Temptation And The Power Of It