Tag Archives: Barnabas

To Mentor..Or Not To Mentor…Is There A Question?

MarcelLast night I had the opportunity to share on mentoring with the adult class at our VBS. (Which was epic this year!) One of the things the Lord shared with me some 15 years ago or so was. Every Timothy needs a Paul. Every Paul needs a Timothy. And every Barnabas needs a Paul.(And vice versa.)

Rather than make this a very long writing for a Saturday, I am going to break this up into a couple of parts. That thinking and subsequent decision is the result of listening to one of the best builders I know. A true Paul (Or Barnabas.) in my life. Continue reading To Mentor..Or Not To Mentor…Is There A Question?

Getting Caught Up In The Stuff

A Snippet Of Truth
A Snippet Of Truth

I have noticed that many are caught up in the “stuff.” What is the stuff? The stuff is that which affects you and your understanding of biblical principles, seasons of life and the need for legacy.

I feel the need to expound on this at a later date, but provoke your mind at this point in time. Continue reading Getting Caught Up In The Stuff