Geography Matters To God

preachingatvillageFor many a year I have been taken with geography in the kingdom. The idea of being in the right place at the right time OR being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We relegate so much of the kingdom to “serendipity” rather than faith, discernment and wisdom.

How did we get here? Continue reading Geography Matters To God

“The Happiest Sound” To Be Heard

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

Years ago I met a man. He showed up on my doorstep. He was physically hunched over. His life changed by an accident. He said “I heard you would help me to get services”. I invited him in. A friend had told him about me and my wife. As I looked at this broken man I thought something is getting ready to happen. I asked if I could pray for him. As I did I could hear cracks and pops as bones and joints aligned. I was young in the Lord. Send me into a drug den to preach I was good with, but a man who was broken and hurt (One leg had shortened some 5 inches from the encounter of his vehicle and a ten wheeler.)I was not so good with. As I prayed for him he fell forward, across the coffee table (Aren’t people supposed to fall backwards?!?!?)and into my arms. He sounded like a breakfast cereal as snaps, crackles and pops kept coming from his body. I had a moment as his leg grew out. A while later I was looking at a new man. There was no trip to find him services that day or any other. He came to live with my wife and I. One of the many that would live with us over the years. Continue reading “The Happiest Sound” To Be Heard

Transformation Changes Everything

Lee Johndrow
Lee Johndrow

The last week has been interesting in the fact that it is so foreign to me. Things that are occurring and happening are not things I am used to encountering. So hearing a variety of view points is interesting.

One of the topics this week had to do with responsibility. When something occurs who is responsible? Where does accountability fall? You would be amazed at the answers! Folks, I come from the place, “you jump over the candle and burn your butt you wear the blister”. With that said I am seeing more and more people without a clue. Living life thinking the world owes them a living. Common decency seems to be slipping away. (But I know we can change it!) Continue reading Transformation Changes Everything

Timing – The Beginning Of Process

leejohndrowteamLately, like many my mind has been on what we call process. The time, the steps and ingredients or things necessary to accomplish a finished product.

In people, process not only includes time, but may include revelation about God or oneself. It may in fact seem to take f-o-r-e-v-e-r! It may or may not include people. As you read through the Bible there is plenty of time to observe the result of process in a person’s or a people’s life. Continue reading Timing – The Beginning Of Process

The Pull Of The Pendulum

preachingatvillageThe swing of the pendulum. The counting of time. The force. The pull.

Yesterday as I sat in a meeting I saw a clock that was wrong. It ran slowly, out of synch. (Because it is a friend’s, I want to ask him “who does that? How do you live with that?”) My wife would tell you I am intuitive about time, whether it is getting up, how long we have been somewhere, etc.. (Ironically for me, laughter captured me and I was teleported to another dimension. I lost “time”!) Continue reading The Pull Of The Pendulum

Leaving Lasting Impressions

leejohndrowteamToday my grandson Jacob will head back to his home after being here over a week. Honestly, upon getting up and thinking on that, it caused me sadness. For me, having him here has been a real joy. We have talked about everything from food, to God, fun and work this week. Children. Innocence. Laughter. (Yesterday morning he woke up early so we could hang out before I went off to work.)Because of him being here a lot of things went undone. Continue reading Leaving Lasting Impressions