Look out! Where Will The Spirit of Division Lead us?

On Wednesday of this week, I had a dream about division. Removing people from the fold. Pulling them out of the game

People will be asking “where are they?”

The spirit of division.  

If I have learned one thing about Christ, it is every time I draw a line to keep people “out” I look over to see Christ on the other side of the line with the very people I wanted to “keep out”. And to quote Erin Reagan, maybe the reason for the line being drawn in the sand is so you can erase it! 

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Take the time to Let Your Light Shine

Many of us have read the parable about the wheat and the tares. (It is easier when it is the first book of the New Testament. 😊 ) Unfortunately, the reading of it hasn’t always brought the church to focus on souls, but instead a lot of finger-pointing at folks who do not do what people believe they ought to be doing. 

I want to give you a little of my pre-Christianity or pre-kingdom history. 

I was born in New England. My dad, “a lapsed Catholic” and my mom, who leaned more towards the Episcopalian and Congregational church thinking. My mom was the one who “took us to church”. But truth be told, other than the social piece, church gatherings seemed to have little to do with the Bible.  

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