Category Archives: New England

God Bless You!


leejohndrowteamYesterday I had an encounter with a person so bitter over Christmas, it offended her.

I shared a bit about it yesterday.

However they got to that place of hurting did not matter. They were there. So much so they would break policy and find themselves constantly on the lookout for their boss to change the music back. Continue reading God Bless You!

Dominion – Requires Renewing

leejohndrowteamToday is the first time I have written in this style for a while. I have been very focused on my books and getting some things done. Cleaned up, rewriting and such. (Since June I have completed the following books:one on fathers, one on hearing God, a 30 day devotional that will ultimately become a 1 year book, a book on Christmas, a book on revival and started a children’s book.) Continue reading Dominion – Requires Renewing

Lightning, Revelation And Rewards

David finishing up in Swanzey.
David finishing up in Swanzey.

Last night I had a dream where when I tried to speak strikes of lightning would appear. The lightning did not cause destruction. It changed things. They became brighter. Colors began to become vivid. Things that were old became new. I could see people become refreshed in the atmosphere where these bolts were.

Job 28:25-28
“When He imparted weight to the wind And meted out the waters by measure,When He set a limit for the rain And a course for the thunderbolt,Then He saw it and declared it; He established it and also searched it out.”And to man He said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; And to depart from evil is understanding.'” Continue reading Lightning, Revelation And Rewards

Are We In For The Long Haul?

leejohndrowteamThe other night I had a dream. An very unusual dream. (Why do I not watch scifi? Because my dreams are beyond it!)

I found myself wandering the country side. If I had to pick a place, I would say a rural area of New England. I was wandering about a meadow overlooking an orchard. Something shimmered, much like a sheet of Saran Wrap. As I approached it, it was more like a wall of shimmering plastic. I could see movement on the other side. As I wandered close to it, I felt myself pulled up to it by some power. It pulled me against it. In a flash, I was pulled through and found myself in a prison. As I looked behind me, I saw the wall of “plastic” with the bright sun and the blue sky vibrating through it. Continue reading Are We In For The Long Haul?

One By One In New England

leejohndrowteamThis morning I shared a story of a fire across the land of New England. It was a word the Lord gave me with regard to awakening or revival. A timing in and of the Lord, where hearts are changed and focused on Him. The place where His goodness overcomes that which has previously “opposed” or been oblivious of Him. Continue reading One By One In New England

What Is Free?

leejohndrowteamLast night I had a dream about something that needed to be translated but no one in the place could figure out how to do it. A message was given to us. There was something unusual about it. Yet no one could decode it. (Yes, they even tried a Google translator.) A friend took it to a little child next door. In moments he translated it, decoded it and back came the paper. The main word of difficulty had a box around it. With stars. It was there. “Embrace of that which cost you nothing and move towards that which is designed for you.”[pullquote]“Embrace of that which cost you nothing and move towards that which is designed for you.”[/pullquote] Continue reading What Is Free?

What Makes Us Different?

leejohndrowteamToday I get to be with friends and family. I have had a powerful weekend with many.

Having our friend Randall share on the topics of authenticity, legacy and generations definitely touched my heart strings. And gave me a greater appreciation than I had for him only moments before. Continue reading What Makes Us Different?