Tag Archives: Terry Mize

Overcomers Overcome

preachingatvillageYesterday I took on a new challenge. I went to the gym to lift weights and get back in shape. I am determined my life will be one of strength and vitality. Today, I am looking for the number of the truck that ran over me in the middle of the night! WOW! Brings new meaning to “pain=gain” or some such pithy saying.

Life is meant to be overcome. This is an overcoming moment in it. I will do this. My friend who helped me get started said this to me, “don’t let anyone laugh at you”. So now, I have to overcome weights and people. Anything else? Yep, after I did the weights I went to walk. And my left knee gave out nearly pulling me to the ground. (It had been brutalized in a couple of sports accidents over the years.) Continue reading Overcomers Overcome