Not every dream I have is a “multi-user” dream. Many of my dreams speak to me, others for individuals, a church and then there are the broad spectrum dreams that are fora lot of people.
Lately we have seen a lot of blessing. Not millions yet, but lots of $100, $500 and a few $1000 blessings headed to people. Yesterday I went to visit my oldest son, his wife and their baby before picking up my grandson Jacob to spend the Christmas week with me.
On the way home I needed to buy gas. I realized I had a choice. Buy gas in Vermont (In May they added a new gas tax.) or squeak across across the line and buy it in my home state of New Hampshire. So imagine my surprise when i was approaching the border and there was a single gas station left and I felt the nudge from the Lord, “this is the place.” Hmmmm… So, I hesitantly pulled in. I put my card in. It asked for a rewards card. I plugged that in. (I had not used it in over a year.) How amazed was I when it recorded a $.15 a gallon discount. I filled up.
The last few days I have had various dreams and a vision about the goodness of God.12/21/2013
My wife and I were in a beauty salon and spa over looking a beautiful snowy mountain range. The woman who was working there at place was very nice and very “angelic.” She was pleasant as we had various conversations. At one point she got around to asking us how we had met, when we were married and how many children did we have.
We explained that we had been married before and that we had been married many years. She was quiet while looking at us, as questions lead to the blessings of five children, grandchildren on the way. I said “that is why it took us so long to get married. Thee were things in the way.”
She looked at us with a curious smile on her face and said “I recognize that good things come to those that wait.”
When I awoke I was reminded of how beautiful everything was in that woman’s salon and how amazing things happen to people that went there.
Wait upon the Lord.
In my dream last night I was all over the east coast of the United States. I would go from store to store and instead of buying things, people would put things in my car for me. I awoke around 2AM and began to contemplate some of it. Then I returned to the dream. I remember coming to the Pennsylvania border and there was the sign “The State Of Independence. Pennsylvania, the keystone state.
Every where I went my vehicle was laden with gifts.
I awoke at 4 or so and was brought into a vision. What I saw were people who were working so “hard” and putting smiles on their face, but it was evident the smiles were wearied. “What is this” I thought. Here they were toiling in the front yards of their life, while mountains of glistening jewelry and coins were behind the house. (Like the older brother, they were willing to work, but missed out on so much of the blessing. Luke 15:11-32) Everywhere I went I saw people “unwilling” to accept that which had been given unto them.
Upon getting up and getting a coffee, I felt the following.
Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
I read the related passages from The Message Bible.
Why would you ever complain, O Jacob,
or, whine, Israel, saying,
“God has lost track of me.
He doesn’t care what happens to me”?
Don’t you know anything? Haven’t you been listening?
God doesn’t come and go. God lasts.
He’s Creator of all you can see or imagine.
He doesn’t get tired out, doesn’t pause to catch his breath.
And he knows everything, inside and out.
He energizes those who get tired,
gives fresh strength to dropouts.
For even young people tire and drop out,
young folk in their prime stumble and fall.
But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
They spread their wings and soar like eagles,
They run and don’t get tired,
they walk and don’t lag behind.
Where are you? IN HIM! He does not faint, grow weary.

Too many have developed a “nose to the grindstone” attitude and missed the beauty and splendor of all that He has done. That statement spoke of working so hard that one missed things going on. Too many think they are “sharpening their discernment” (Depicted by the nose.) when in reality they are removing their discernment.
This week I have been meditating on a single scripture. “His blessings and mercies are new every morning.” Lamentations 3:22-23
As I inquired of the Lord, I felt that this is what He was saying.
“Many have waited too long for that which I have tried to put in their hands. They have made, conditions, laws and rules for blessings. They have forgotten that the blessing is in the hands of the Giver. Their waiting has been important to them but not to me. They have allowed “works” to get into their works, joy to be relinquished and entertained the ‘taskmaster’. My blessings abound towards them. I desire not trickles and rivulets of goodness but the ability to show them the abundance of my goodness. For in their waiting, I am there, yet many have cried out ‘where are you’. Many have taught I would never leave them nor reject them…except…when this happens…or that happens… .
Open their eyes and they will see that which has always been there. I have not asked them to toil for it or labor, but I have given them that which is good. Many will see that I am good while those that have been with me the longest have missed the very reason I was with them.
This season, this time, I have put upon the clock. There is no limit to my goodness or my greatness.”
It was quiet. I knew that my heart had picked up the pace.
As I drove in the dream I realized there are many things God wants to do. It is time we begin to see the Lord in all His goodness.
God where I have been doubting, help me to believe.
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