Antioch A Place In God’s Heart


antiochI was simply studying a little bit this morning about the prophetic voice for an upcoming manual. And as I read through a few scriptures I was struck with the fact that the believers at Antioch were filled with faith!

And then Antioch jumped off the page at me. What? Don’t interrupt me, I was thinking, but it literally lifted off the screen. I knew I had to research it.In a nutshell, Antioch means “driven against.” The site of a debate between Paul and Peter, it was also the launching pad for Paul and Barnabas. On the river Orontes, this city of Syria…wait there it is.

The Lord has a plan for Syria. It is firmly in His heart. Its root is Aram or the “exalted.” God is not done! Orontes comes from a root of “that of grandeur.” And Mr. Assad? Well-his name means lion.

While many are citing passages of scripture declaring the end of the world, of World War III, I think we need to speak to the rock, to the root of this. There is an emergence of grandeur, kingly in nature, even lion-natured as in the “lion of the tribe of Judah.” The spirit of God is allowing the prayers of the saints to bombard, or be “driven against” the very works of darkness. I saw a vine of connectivity moving through the nation as salvation is plaguing and plundering the works of darkness. Let us not only pray for the leaders like Putin and Assad, but let us drench the country of Syria with our prayers.

Let us see Antioch once again be a launching pad for the apostolic and prophetic matches of God!

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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