Category Archives: Updates

CHRISTMAS-Can you wait?


leejohndrowteamHey everyone-

The manuscript is complete on Christmas – Can you wait?, my book on Christmas traditions and my thoughts about Christmas.

Here is a few snippets and what you will find.

(Just last night I drove nearly 2 hours to see lights!) Continue reading CHRISTMAS-Can you wait?

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"Use me!"

With a new season comes new changes . One of those changes will be in my method of contact.

I will be reducing what is offered in Facebook, Twitter or other methods. Mostly because I would like to focus on those who are participating.

Because of that change I will be offering an email selection that will allow you to get information on the basis you have time for.

Currently there will be 2 methods.

One will be a “daily” email”. The other a “weekly” email.

The daily will appear virtually every day.


Visit our page on opportunities to participate in this ministry.

New Seasons Have New Reasons

leejohndrowteamThis last week completed a very important season in my life. It was one of submitted obedience for me. To stop doing something I had done for years and change my focus. It caused me to be pulled into another world.

What was it you might ask? It was writing another book, this time on fathers. And because of my schedule it added the fact that each morning I would only have until 7AM to get what I was going to do, done. Whether I awoke at 5 or 6 that is all the time I would have. Continue reading New Seasons Have New Reasons

Prophetic Guidelines For This Blog

Lee Johndrow
Lee is on staff with The Village Church in Swanzey New Hampshire. He functions prophetically and often writes from dreams and visions.

Each day I learn more and more about me, about God and about honor and team. Because of this I am subject to God in bringing forth the clearest words I can. I am subject to my wife and family to place them in the forefront of all I say and all I do. I am in fellowship with my local house (The Village Church) and I am on a leadership team in this house as well as working regionally. Continue reading Prophetic Guidelines For This Blog

In A New Season

Don’t lose your vision.

I am in a new season of my life. So many things have changed in the last year. Only a little more than a year ago I was in the publishing business. Then mysterious illness overtook me. One day I was up and the next day I was violently ill. It caused me to not be able to go ahead in what I was doing.

The next year was pretty crazy and here I am. Sickness was caused environmentally so moving resolved it, but I had a lot of time to think.

What I am finding and being encouraged in is something new. It has to do with where I fellowship and what I do. Team building and education are two of the big parts. Continue reading In A New Season

An Update From The Home Front

2013-12-07 07.11.30A lot of folks have asked how we are doing with all the changes, so I am giving you a general update.

So what is life looking like overall?

New Place To Live

Our new apartment is great! A shade smaller, but much more homey. The family loves it. So much quieter. So much healthier. It looks like Christmas. Nice yard area. Yep!


Ministry is shifting for both of us. Tina is leading a women’s group they have called Embrace Your Call. She continues to deal with the more “difficult” ministry of game night. I am working more with the prophetic side of life at the Village.


Our grandchildren are doing well. Many really good things are going on. My three oldest grandchildren are here nearly every weekend and so I get to hang out a lot with them. I see Naomi at least once a week. Hannah a couple of times a month. The newest baby is a few months away. Keep watching!

I am excited that I see most of my children a couple of times a month.

My Wife’s Job Loss

A few weeks ago my wife was laid off from her job. After many years of being a loyal employee the loyalty was “repaid” by keeping the new employee. (Just this past week a friend of mine lost his job of 27 years.)

Someone asked me what it is like to have her home. Well, in some respects it is like we are on vacation without the vacation.

People often make plans but when we project answers we get in trouble. Here we thought, “we move, I get a job, life is good!”

So, we are continuing to find our walk together while we are in the same house.

A lot of her day is devoted to finding work. That means she needs our computer. Which means we have to work out a schedule that is feasible to both of us.

We are both seeking work.

So that is the long and short of it. Life is exciting. We are readying for the holidays and Christmas is in view. Looking forward to friends, family and food!

We appreciate you!


Update October 1st 2013

An update for you!
An update for you!

A number of updates!

For starters this week will be my 21st anniversary of being married to Tina! Yay! 21 years ago in Rutland Vermont we gave our lives to one another.

The book on interrupted process. I have just received the blue penciled edited version and am devoting this week to making the corrections and adding the suggestions. Sabina has been doing a wonderful job lining up my “un-aligned” thinking! She has devoted a lot of time to making me look better than I am in print. Once I get it finalized I will be sharing it with a few friends as well as returning it to Sabina for the hopeful final edit. Continue reading Update October 1st 2013

Personal Update August 9th 2013

An update for you!
An update for you!

Let me just say today is really more personal than it is helpful or educational. It also contains updates on what is coming up.

I awoke somewhere around 4AM finding myself praying out loud. No dream led up to it and I really did not have anything in my mind at the time. Life is like that. We find ourselves in situations that are funny, sad, hard or easy all the time. Continue reading Personal Update August 9th 2013