Duck Dynasty and A & E


prddI read with great interest the debate that blossomed yesterday over the statements Phil Robertson made and A & E pulling him off from the show.

I like him and the show. I may not agree with things that he says from time to time, but that is his right and my right. And any conversation I might have would probably not be seen flashed across the pages of Facebook and Twitter. (I wrote my letter to A& E.)

One of the best comments posted was by his granddaughter, Sadie. “Prayer is the best conversation of the day. It’s better to go to God before taking it to someone else.”So we could do the “he said-she said.” The issue is certainly not about what he said. It is about the reaction by A & E. Fueled by various groups who do not see it the same “way.”

I envision the following scenario. Push comes to shove and Duck Dynasty goes to another place. Frankly, I watched with Don Imus, though a race remark (Is it still free speech?) be suspended and come back bigger than ever. Another station may well be in the wings ready to take it on. (By the way I am not saying sexuality and race issues are the same.)

Knowing Phil Robertson went hunting and missed Barbara Walters, I am not so sure a return to hunting is a “big deal” for him.

I read what he said. All of it. I read what he said that they were “personal beliefs” and that he “was not judging.”

My greater concern is how people are processing. The same people who were upset because a cake baker was told he had to bake “wedding” cakes for same sex couples are saying some pretty harsh things about A & E. The cake baker had a right in my mind to sell to whom he wanted with what he wanted. (The court said no.) Does it not possibly follow that A & E has the same right? And Duck Dynasty is an entity. Various parts of it are owned by Disney, A&E and a host of others. (Duck Dynasty is owned by A&E and Duck Commander is owned by the family.) They are a business decision, good, bad or ugly. (BTW-unless they pull season 4, I am pretty sure, the show is a wrap.) You did, however, read that A&E saw it as a personal statement, just not in keeping with their brand.

At the root of it, it comes down to using free speech or not. But free speech has consequences. And being subject to government on the increase, makes a lot of things harder. (You can not want free speech and then impose “bullying” rules for instance. Free speech is free speech. Consistency addressed below.)

Folks-I am suggesting we become very consistent and very focused in our approach to life.

So that is the scenario for you non-DD followers.

But the whole issue points to larger problems as far as I am concerned.

One-where is the church in the lives of the unbeliever? Have we holed ourselves away so far that we did not think this was reality. Are we truly surprised when this and similar things occur? The church is called to be light. But, let’s be honest, a lot of the Facebook posts and conversations I witness and actions reveal to me that we have a lot to be thankful for AND a lot that needs to let the light of God touch it! I am not “spanking” the church, but if we do not touch Hollywood, who will?

Two-Not being plugged in. Processing emotionally and not processing consistently is not a good idea. As believers we have a call to be consistent. We also have a reminder that not everything is our job to “fix.” (I love Sadie’s post above.) Choice is NOT doing the same thing, making the same decisions as the world might make. Folks, we need to make right decisions on the home front before we take the battles to the world. Observation-the same believing families who are “mad” over this are subjecting their families to constant doses of Miley Cyrus, family bashing sitcoms and Grand Theft Auto V.

Three-Media is where most of our problem is. As long as we continue to support and endorse the very “houses” of anti-Christian sentiment we will continue to be delivered anti-Christian sentiment. (The same media that is pushing this endorses a lot of “anti-Constitutional” sentiment as well, so we keep watching it…why?  There are some very good companies and channels and media streams out there doing some great work out there.

A possible solution…

It is time for the church to get back in the business of sharing the good news. And work from there. We cannot listen to messages that cause us to hunker down and try to grow the church with a “shrinking mentality.” (Y2K, Left Behind are two good examples.)

We need to choose wisely and not polarize the church. It is not “us against them.” A house divided…Matthew 12:25 By the nature of preaching Jesus it is most likely we will “polarize” the difference between darkness and light.

It is time we are consistent in our messages and our actions. The greatest “complaint” my liberal (And often unbelieving.) friends have is that we are not consistent. “Why can’t you agree” is easy to answer to but inconsistent actions and speech is not.

We must step into the realms that God has individually called us to. For some it is family, others seasons of business and finance. We are not “soldiers” walking in lockstep, but men and women of grace, priests and kings. Revelation 5:10

Folks, we can be upset by the news, the apparent disregard for Christianity and more, but the reality of it is we have a job to do, a calling to carry. To touch the people. I am sure Phil Robertson would tell you that, those people include A&E as much as it included him.

(Don Imus was let go from contract at CBS and went to work for ABC and RFD TV. I submit if this goes sour for DD at A&E you will see them head to a company like The Blaze…)

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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