I will not forget the first time I held my son. I watched him come into this world in the hospital in New Hampshire. Tiny. Pink. A boy.
It was at that time I recognized that I had two daughters and now I had a son. I already had two daughters. But now I had a son. I saw very quickly that my life with my son would be different than that life that I had with my daughters.
Amazing! A son is born.
Nearly every day of every week I have the pleasure of working with my son. We get to take walks, talk together and just hang out during our breaks. I get to see him a lot. It is a far different world for the two of us than it was just a few years ago.
Despite all the time we missed out on one another, I see a keeper of the faith and a holder of legacy.
I look at my son and I see the goodness of God expressed in my life through the quality of my son’s marriage and his family. Clearly it is like that with each one of my children, I am very proud of my son. He has the ability to go further and do more than I could ever dream of. Or maybe I could dream of but have come to realize that many of those things will be fulfilled in and through my children.
I am excited for what the future holds for my son.
Happy Birthday.