Over time if you pay attention to things you will soon learn the value of something. But not all value is out in the open, staring you in the face.
Yesterday I read of a man who went through a difficult time. His response was he grabbed his metal detector and went treasure hunting. A short while later under 6 inches of dirt he found an 87 ounce piece of gold. Estimated to be worth $135,000 he said he would not take less than $200,000 for it.
Too many times we want to ask “is it worth it”?
Many years ago despite increases and decreases in our married life, I would have to remember the “reason” for what I was doing. Perhaps it was to share the value of Christ in my life. The value of sacrifice now for something later.
I often will take my grandchildren shopping with me when they are here. It is a great experience to point out that a $1 bill spent on something “cheap” today might be broken or not be here tomorrow. Especially if we are talking toys or something. Now I want to say there are things I am cheap about. Those things often have to do with Tina and I and our choice to preserve for children and grandchildren. We waited 20 years before we took a second honeymoon. Our first was me walking beaches while Tina sat in a hotel room being sick!
When you know the value of something life begins to change.
The more I “investigate” Jesus the more I know I made the right choice. The more I am with my wife the more I know we made the right choice. (We have outlasted many who had no hope for us!)
But often times a valuable something has a sizable price tag associated with it.
One of those things is family. Tina and I gave up moves, trips and such to be there for our children. Maybe not all our “moves” were right or even the healthy ones, but God has been gracious in our lives. We have something to show for it. Our children show up here regularly for meals, fun and family. We see them at our church fellowship. I work with one of my sons.
There were some tough times in our lives. We did not always handle them right. Appropriately.
But this I know. It is worth it. Sacrifice grows character over time. It often results in appreciation! And it builds family.
Sometimes people can not grasp the big picture. But the early seasons seem to pass too quickly. The hard times too slowly. Big pictures are important. Where do you want to be? What do you want to have? To do? Once you determine that it is all hands on deck. Everyone’s oar in the water.
The temptation will be to speed up the process. To skip a step. I have come to the conclusion that in some respects it is like Chutes and Ladders. There is always the potential for a change! Just keep your eyes on the ball.
In our lives we are pretty much where we need to be with our family. There was some chutes and there were some ladders. I could have done without the panicked calls, the accidents or a few such things. (There is nothing like a 2AM call to get you thinking!)
This year we celebrate my 60th birthday. Part of that will be a family vacation. We are headed to the Adirondacks. Sacrifice. Someone has to do it!
Often the greatest value in family is similar to the man who found the nugget of gold. You just go out and wonder if this will be the time. You will dig a lot of dirt over time to uncover the “one”. (For me that was my walk to Jesus. I went through a lot to find the ONE.) But if you persevere, learn from your mistakes. Hold on to Him…you will make it.