![Pop and Gunter holding me](https://i0.wp.com/leejohndrow.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/leebd3-298x300.jpg?resize=298%2C300)
When I was child my greatest artwork hung at my grandparents and my parents. As life went on new artwork appeared and old art was taken down. The refrigerator door recorded the life of the family. (Which is good because when I was a kid they had some ugly colors. Avocado, burnt orange, chocolate and copper tone!)
And of course like many children, I was asked of the drawing “Is it a cat? A dog?” I am sure like many children I probably shook my head and said “guess again” as they “did not get it.”. As I grew older I probably scrawled what it was on the page. Cat, dog, tree… But at some point my drawing bettered and the questions became fewer. Soon that artwork was replaced with pictures of family outings and sports or perhaps short stories.Last night I had a dream about the interpretation of various subjects. I was amazed at how many people rejected the process or the value of interpretation. “Interpretation?” It was clear that many sought to be perfect and not allow their inner views to come forth. I felt the “we have to be right” thinking in the air. “Interpret? What if we miss?” (Because I care that your dog looks like a cat???)
I am thankful for the people in my life who allowed me to experiment, to make mistakes without recriminations. (Less thankful for the ones who did not allow me freedom.)It has allowed me to walk more as the person God created to me rather than trying to fit another person’s mold or as Saul asked of David, to wear armor not suited for you.
I am excited in this stage of my life to see molds broken and people set free to be themselves.
What do you see? As I spend more and more time teaching people how to listen for the voice of the Lord as He speaks through pictures and paintings, visions and dreams, I have learned that if we are to tell people that creativity is of the Father then so we ought to let people express themselves as they see the Father doing with manipulation or control.
Set the boundaries and let them “color”. (“No Johnny, Sally does not want green hair!”)
I often will tell people what it is I am seeing or hearing and share it with them only to come up with a response or an interpretation that I might not have seen coming. (Years ago I had a company and we designed various projects for the gift market. I contacted a company in Jakarta and described what I had sent in the fax. “Cows, pigs, frogs” I said. “Do you understand?” He said “yes” and I waited for the pieces. When I opened the boxes I had pink pigs, green frogs and black and white “cows” that looked like antelope. Their cows obviously were not of the “fat” kind. So I had to fax over pics of Vermont cows.)
God wires each of us differently. For instance I often see through a lens of actual history. I see battles and buildings as I pray for people.
Our world is changing quickly because of the freedom we are recognizing and walking in.
Even now I see with fresh eyes what was always there but differently. Scripture has begun to take on new meaning and understanding. I see things differently.
Let us offer freedom to those who are coming up. Let them “draw” cats or dogs. And for those of you who are drawing, do not be concerned if others do not get it, but at the same time be gracious with them as you would ask for yourself.
Learn to recognize that every coin has two sides.
Yesterday, I was involved in a meeting. For 20 plus years I have been on the other side of this type of meeting. I was the employer. In the meeting here was a man telling me how to do my new side. (It was related to “getting a job”. To becoming an employee.) Admittedly I do not get the side I am currently on in a lot of areas. I have for so long always been on the other side of the table. It is not just the method or the manner but the whole mindset of “confinement” so to speak.
I had to work overtime in my mind to not only accept my position and place in this season but also the facts on “interpretation.” And boy did I see surprises. When I was signing the final piece of paper there were listed the hindrances to me finding employment. The very ones that make me a good employer are barriers to my getting a job. While I thought there might be two the computer reported seven obstacles.
I walked out of there like a child whose parent did not “know that was a cat.” I spent a lot of the subsequent hours working on my mindset…
There is a part of me examining my “prison cell” as perhaps Joseph did and being patient. There is another part of me thinking like Paul that it is time to worship and wait for the angels. And then there is “pure me” thinking it is time to go to war!
We are the chosen generation, a royal priesthood. God uses each one of us differently. He gives each one of us the ability to hear and see what He is saying. He uses our past, our present and the promise of the future.
I do not know why some people see angels and others don’t. I don’t really care. Why some see blue ones and others red ones. I believe them even if I can’t see them when they may be telling me. If you tell me it is a “cat” I am going to believe you. (By the way this is not about character but about how we see individually.)
I am pretty convinced that the Father is going to be proud of your artwork whether I think it is a “cat” or not.
The following video is a word the Lord gave me yesterday. It may be of encouragement to you.
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