It Is Time To Use Your Words


leejohndrowteamWhen I first connected with God and gave my life over to Him I was pretty naïve about a lot of things. I believed a lot of things I no longer believe. Even today my belief in God is deepened, shaped and changed. To try to live like I always did no longer possible.

One of the things I heard was this. That while God was pure the impurity of the vessel added residue to the words that someone brought forth. You may know it as the “flesh” thing. Flesh tarnishes spirit thinking. Now, I do not believe that anymore and if you do have at it. (But before you send me the scathing epistles take some time to study the word “flesh”.) I was taught that when someone gives a word the “impurity” of them will get on it, leaving it “good but not God”. As a prophetic voice and one who functions in the grace of that, words are important to me. (I do get “out of the treasure of the heart the mouth speaks”.) So as I go through this I think words have value, I think the method of delivery has value and I am concerned that the message does not get lost by the package (the delivery). I am less concerned about the messenger for the most part! (Hey, didn’t I read somewhere about a talking donkey…)

I see, that when you really understand who your daddy you begin to “look” a lot like Him. As you study you come to understand that you came through your parents loins and not from them. That your identity and image were designed a “long” time ago. That coming “through” your parents is different than coming “from them”. That the womb is a “dressing room” for the “coming through” of you to bring you about into your earthly existence. In that thinking and understanding you realize that you will carry some of your parents because they carry His “DNA” as well. But you really began your journey from Him. Coming through is considerably different than coming from.

My belief on prophetic words has changed. I do not believe in the “impurity” process but I believe in God created you and some of you is mixed in with His words because He made you.

So while in a conversation a few days ago with a friend we were discussing music and instruments and such. And the thinking turned to words. I believe that when you speak prophetic words the message is from a pure source, the Father. And when you bring it forth the word will begin to encompass your history, experiences and personalities. It may sound like you.

For years another word crept into our language. That word was filters. People might say that you filter everything through your experience or circumstance, but the goal was to “filter” it or see it clearly through your “God eyes” or your identity in Him and the truth found in the word of God.

Then people began to “judge” words by “their filters” and experience. (Not good for the most part.) And they would begin to tell people there was “too much” of them filtering the words coming forth. My question over time became how can it NOT be you? He made you in His image! But He allowed you history and personality, experiences and opportunities to reveal Himself. He is in you! But He chose you! Before the foundations of the earth!

While my friend and I talked music, he shared how you could take a trumpet mouthpiece and insert it in a flute or a clarinet and they would still have “their” sounds. You could take a reed and put it on another instrument but it would sound like the instrument.

The voice of God uses you, the instrument to produce sound. He loved you so much that He came to dwell in you. He is okay with you. He is cleaning up the place and planning on expressing Himself through you! You need to be okay with that!

1 Corinthians 14:7-9 Yet even lifeless things, either flute or harp, in producing a sound, if they do not produce a distinction in the tones, how will it be known what is played on the flute or on the harp? For if the bugle produces an indistinct sound, who will prepare himself for battle? So also you, unless you utter by the tongue speech that is clear, how will it be known what is spoken? For you will be speaking into the air.…

Your responsibility lies in making sure you are the “best instrument” you can be by practicing and learning.

We are in an amazing time.

Lat night I had a short dream. In the dream many were preparing post “revolution” in the United States. (We had a revolution that gave us a new president with new ideas. Collectivism and herd mentality had changed. People began to seek a return to a community of individuals with strong ties to one another.) It was like a car being built. Piece by piece. Shape began to come forward. I could see computer screens slowly gathering speed, as lines of code appeared. The nation was being rebuilt.

Many thought that “words were cheap: and admittedly they had been. People had received promises and no actions.

But what began to happen is individuals began to participate, to shape to take part.

I saw prophetic words re-creating and cooperating with God. Change came swiftly. I saw flowers coming up quickly as if on time lapse photography. I saw people healed and hearts turned towards Him.

As I awoke I thought about this dream. I had seen my own children as small children. It was like I had a “do over” of some kind. I do not use the word “revolution” lightly or improperly, but as I meditated on some of this, I realized a “revolution” also was a turning. In one revolution the earth travels far and during that time lives are changed. We are seeing a turning “to” the Lord.

Lines of of “original code” are being restored to lives, the glory is being revealed and hearts are being changed. (Only last night I heard of the return of another prodigal.)

I believe last night’s dream was a change of seasons. A changing of time. We can pull our “far off” seasons into now. Simply believe!

podcast_logo1-e1377265165667Did you know you can follow us on iTunes? Here is a recent word I gave in Village in March.  You can download on iTunes here.For notes on this teaching visit here.

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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