I see things. I see how things are going to be. I see what will happen. (I recognize I can change those things with my words. See my book, The Drones Of Heaven. A way to change your world with your words.) With that part said I am not always sure of the timing. I have also learned along the way.
Years ago, a dear friend said to me, “plan, do not project.” It is okay and certainly reasonable to make plans. I plan for a vacation. I plan for dinner. But what if it does not come to pass? Am I devastated? Does my world collapse? What is my dependency really upon? Is it upon the result to a request or the answer to a situation? Or is it in God? Who do I put my trust in?
When I make a plan they have the potential of:
- Being exactly the way I see it.
- Being a variation of what I saw or planned for.
- Being exactly the opposite of what I planned for.
If I base my life (projecting my answer into or upon a circumstance or a situation) I may come up short or disappointed. (A few years ago, I made plans for a vacation. That was the summer my home was destroyed. No vacation.) The choice is found in these two options. Bitter or better.
Jesus told us no one has a handle on tomorrow, so live today.
Understanding the difference is important. In business, “under promise, over provide.” Not everything goes according to plan. Please hear me. This is NOT a cop out for not making plans or walking in faith. It is part of the process of maturity. You will develop core beliefs that are forged in steel. Unshakable. Unbreakable.
I tell my children all the time, plan do not project. Plans are subject to change. Projections can fool you. You may miss out on the very thing you need to pick up for the journey.
Too often we are in a race for the finish line of life. I have learned the hard way that life does not always go according to plan. Especially when it involves people! The goal here is recognizing that and not to set one’s self up for failure.
Does something not happening turn you from peace to anxiety? Do another’s actions remove your feelings of peacefulness? Perhaps you have projected your answers, your desires into their lives. Our words are important, as are our actions. God has a remedy that He has provided. He gave His Son, that he might die as you that His provision of peace would be yours. Regardless of the circumstance or the timing. My destiny is in Him, in His destiny. First Corinthians 9:7 records these words, “Who at any time serves as a soldier at his own expense?” His provision is ours.
His ways are not ours. Too often I have seen well meaning intentions of mine and others fall to the way side as His way prevails. Scripture encourages us to plan. The process of it all is the most important. I have seen too many think they know the answers bypassing the very opportunities and people that they needed, while on a quest for the answer they believed, only to have to revisit or retravel the path once again.
As we walk through this life, I encourage you view what is at hand. In so many respects the treasures of the day may be for the fulfillment of tomorrow.
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