Sacrificing For The Next Step

leejohndrowteamToo often in life we are faced with a challenge or even a dilemma where change is an option. (Sometimes there are not options and I get that.) The mind begins to construct scenarios and build option lists, etc..

One of the things I grow concerned with is the idea that “sacrifice” or the giving up of something to get something is shelved. I understand that much of the world indicates an easier, softer, self centered way. But for those who walk under the headship of the Lord Jesus, sacrifice or using our faith to change something ought to be the norm and not the occasional, “well, okay. I will do it.”

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1

Our faith is not settled in some “pie in the sky” “may be it will” work creation but activated by what He has already accomplished on the cross for you and I.

Many times people are forced to make a decision. (I get that. Your house floods and you have to move!) But in reality many of the things we are faced with had warning signs or sign posts along the way. I also understand that it is “easier” to let life lead but in fact we are called to lead life!

For instance in the realms of the romantic, no plan for the type of relationship you would like to live in your life will leave you at the mercy of “now” moments of challenge. Most of those times could be avoided with a “schedule of belief” and an application of faith applied.

Where do you want to be in 5 years is not a bad question to ask. Whether you are 10 or 50 years old, seeing the future and applying the principles of growth necessary to get there are important. Far easier than moving to the “5 year out” mark and saying “this is not where I thought I would be”.

You may have to make sacrifices to accomplish what is necessary. Sometimes geographical changes are in fact better choices for children, schools and jobs. And as difficult as that is for the initial challenge and choice, the sacrifice has all the earmarks of being better.

A sacrifice is defined as “the act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else or to help someone”. I wanted to keep my Vermont life a few years ago. But at some point I had to sacrifice what I wanted for the sake of others. The benefits of that have taken some time but are visible.

If you are contemplating a change or a sacrifice, making sure the benefit is for others is always a good thought. Moving a family or taking on a new job because “you want to” rather than looking at where it leads is not always the best. If you look around and see you have sacrificed your family and not “you” you may have a problem! We do not get to sacrifice others!

I wrote this today because I have sensed a lot of “stuff” in the air and decisions on the table for folks. God is on the move and we need to hear God. Sometimes the willingness to sacrifice opens the doors of change.

God will provide!



Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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