Tag Archives: agitator

Heavenly Alignment – Where Are You Headed?


understanding1The last few months I have given great thought to “heavenly alignment.” What is it? What are the benefits? What are the results for being “there?”

The first thought that needs to be dealt with, is, where is God? “Omnipotence” is fairly easy to deal with. Revelations 19:6 says He is “Almighty.” “Omnipresence” slightly more. (We will deal with “omniscience” at a later date!) Where is God? One answer is, He is in heaven. Another answer is “He is inside me.” Is He there or here? The answer is both! And when we have accepted His payment on the cross, the knowledge that He will never leave me or forsake me is easy to understand. Continue reading Heavenly Alignment – Where Are You Headed?