Tag Archives: communion

The Knitting Of Hearts

leejohndrowteamAs a child my church experiences were different than what I live today. I heard about God. The table at the front of the church had the words “I am the bread of life” emblazoned on it. But I could not tell you an experience of God while I was there except for the Sunday morning, early on Easter. With some rain and some sleet, hardy souls climbed up the hill behind the elementary school near our church. We sang and the sun came out. That was perhaps my God experience. Continue reading The Knitting Of Hearts

Words Of Destiny #4 A Young Man Dines and A Young Girl Has Her Heart Healed

podcast_logo1-e1377265165667This morning I was swept through the clouds. Nearly an hour later my chest hurts from the sobbing I encountered, as I felt I was weeping over children and nations. It was unexpected and painful. It was one of those cries where you feel something breaking loose.

The first person I saw was a young man in a chapeau who was invited in to sup with the King in recognition of service and faithfulness. Continue reading Words Of Destiny #4 A Young Man Dines and A Young Girl Has Her Heart Healed